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Friday, November 14, 2008

Walking with the Wind - Verses by Abbas Kiarostami

I arrive alone
I drink alone
I laugh alone
I cry alone
I'm leaving alone
(Abbas Kiarostami)

Each one seems to me like a haiku

In pursuit of a mirage
I reached water
without a feeling of thirst

In cautarea unui miraj
Am ajuns la apa
Fara sa simt gustul setii

One should get accustomed to Kiarostami’s poems gradually…His poetry is alert, rooted and chaste. It is based on yesterday, but looks at tomorrow, and moves in a path which will be the avenue of tomorrow’s credible poetry…Kiarostami’s poetry is the child of the earth, and the narration of life and nothing more.
(Morteza Kakhi)

From a crack in the ashen sky
a drop of light
onto spring's first blossom

Dintr-o plesnitura a cerului cenusiu
o boaba de lumina
peste prima imbobocire a primaverii

The seer and the seen become one (Dorna Khazeni)

The more I think
the less I understand
the reason
to fear death so much

Cu cat gandesc mai mult
inteleg tot mai putin
fricii mele mari de moarte

Autumn afternoon:
a sycamore leaf
falls softly
and rests
on its own shadow

Dupa amiaza de toamna:
o frunza de sicomor
pluteste usor in cadere
ca sa se odihneasca apoi
pe umbra ei

My shadow
keeps me company
this moonlit evening

tine tovarasie
in seara asta luminata de luna

She said:
I just can't
I wish she had said:
My heart won't let me.

A spus
nu pot, asta este
sa fi spus
inima nu-mi da voie

A pregnant woman
weeps silently
in a sleeping man's bed

O femeie gravida
lacrimeaza in tacere
in patul barbatului ce doarme

Two dragonflies, one male one female
pass in the air
among the oak trees

Doua libelule, barbatus si femeiusca
traverseaza aerul
printre stejari

How merciful
that the turtle doesn't see
the little bird's effortless flight

Cata indurare
ca broasca nu vede
zborul usor al unei pasarele

I have come along with the wind,
on the first day of summer
the wind will carry me along
on the last day of fall
(Walking with the Wind)

(I'm in the Mood for Kiarostami)

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