Amnon Shiboleth: a Call to Assist Haifa

(Photo: Reuters)
Lilly Rivlin forwarded me this message from Amnon Shiboleth:
Haifa is experiencing the largest fire disaster Israel has ever experienced. The fire started on the southern part of the Carmel mountain at 11 AM Israel time yesterday, and until now - the fire fighters mobilized from all parts of Israel as well as aid which was advanced from different countries including; Greece, Turkey, Romania, France and Spain, have failed to contain it. Russia has promised to send specialized planes in order to overcome the disaster. 42 mostly prison guards were burned down in a bus on their way to evacuate prisoners of Damon prison on the Carmel Mountain, nearly 20,000 people have already been evacuated from their homes , some 30 million trees and 8000 acres of land have already been destroyed completely, however the catastrophe is not over. The fire is uncontained and has reached by now the boarder of Haifa University in the north and moshav Bat Shlomo, about 20 kilometers south of Haifa. At the bottom of this email you will find a link to The Haifa Foundation where you may read the letter that was written by the Mayor of Haifa, Yona Yahav, as well as a link to to contributions which are exclusively designated to assist and join the effort of fighting the fire, reviving the land and purchasing fire-fighting equipment to stop this horror etc. Please help us spread the word and raise the funds and aid that are required to help the people of Haifa, the metropolitan area; the firemen, the policemen, the soldiers that are fighting the fire, and the people that will have to cope with the consequences of the great losses caused by the fire. Please join this important cause!
Amnon Shiboleth
(Lilly Rivlin)
Labels: Lilly Rivlin
Thank you for forwarding this call, and for mentioning the wildfire in Israel here. This is the biggest ecological tragedy in the history of Israel, part of one of the most beautiful green area in the country was destroyed, human life and property was lost. One of the places that was mostly affected was the artists village of Ein Hod, the unique community established in the 50s by Marcel Iancu, a place were live and work many Israeli artists. I hope that the property that was destroyed will be rebuilt, it will take more for nature to recover what was lost in the fire, and unfortunately the human lives who perished in the blaze cannot be returned.
Dan Romascanu, at 1:04 AM
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