Misha's Pub & More
Misha's Pub & More: an Irish pub some place in Bucharest. I like to visit it now and then. It's close to a huge park that I love. Speaking about Irish pubs, Bucharest has a lot. It's a city of wonders. Of unexpected wonders.
I visited some Irish pubs in America where I had good time always. There is one in Courthouse (in the greater DC area), the Ireland's Four Courts, where I enjoyed some nice evenings. There is the Irish Inn at Glenn Echo, MD, that I would like to write something about in the blog, sometime. There are some very stylish pubs in Boston that I remember, on Charles Street, and also near Faneuil Hall on the Red Trail. Well, there are probably hundreds and hundreds of Irish pubs in America.
But Misha's calls in my mind another Irish pub, The Burren, I was there only once. It's in a town near Boston, Somerville, on Elm Street. It happens that I have just read a book whose story develops in Somerville, and as I was reading it, I had a very precise localization of the places. I will write about this book here, before long.
When I entered Misha's bar here in Bucharest for the first time, I remembered instantaneously the pub from Elm Street. Both communicate the same feeling, regardless your day is good or bad, you are just fine.
The setting is great here at Misha's. Like in The Burr from Somerville, it gives you the impression you are in a live theater during the rehearsals. I don't know who designed the place, an architect with the soul of an artist painter: it has the balance, it has a bit of madness. Madness controlled by the architectural balance, balance subtly hiding a pulsing heart.

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