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Monday, August 20, 2012

Vado ben spesso cangiando loco

Vado ben spesso
cangiando loco;
ma non so mai
cangiar desio.

Sempre l'istesso
sara' il mio foco
e saro' sempre
l'istesso anch'io.

vado ben spesso
cangiando loco;
ma non so mai
cangiar desio.

A small poem with unknown author, scored by Giovanni Battista Bononcini, with an interesting story: Liszt would use it in his Années de pèlerinage, attributing it to another composer (Salvator Rosa). I will come back to this later. I tried an English rendering, which was not easy, so if you don't like it, gtry a better one:

Very often I go
change my site;
but I never know
how to change my desire.

Always keeping the speed
will be my target
and I always will
keep the same speed.

Very often I go
change my site;
but I never know
how to change my desire.

(the Bononcini's)



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