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Saturday, December 01, 2012

7 Etnii la Marea Neagra

Domnul Alexandru Ursu Bukovina mi-a atras atentia asupra acestui film: 7 Etnii la Marea Neagra. E un film facut cu suflet, cu inteligenta si cu un simt acut al frumosului.

Intr-o arie geografica foarte restransa, intre granitele a trei state, separate de firul de apa a doua rauri – Prut si Dunare, sapte etnii diferite traiesc dupa propriile lor reguli, mostenite din vechime. Toti sunt de religie ortodoxa, isi respecta cultura si trecutul si au supravietuit in comunitatile lor prin conservarea traditiilor si a valorilor specifice fiecarei etnii in parte. Filmul descopera oameni puternici, personaje spectaculoase, experiente unice. Pe parcursul a 56 de minute se perinda in fata spectatorului bulgari, gagauzi, catapi, romi, ucrainieni, romani, lipoveni. Cuvantul cheie al existentei acestor sapte etnii este conservarea.

In a narrow geographical region, caught between the borders of three different states and separated by two rivers, the Prut and the Danube, seven ethnic groups live by their own rules, inherited from their forefathers. All of them are Eastern Orthodox, they respect their past and culture, and have survived in their communities by preserving the values specific to each ethnic group. The film discovers strong people, spectacular characters, and unique experiences. Over the span of 56 minutes, the viewers will see the pilgrimage across the screen of Bulgarians, Ukrainians, Romanians, Lipovanians, Rroma, Catzapi, and Gagauz people. The key word for the survival of these seven ethnic groups is preservation.

Ansamblul Kozaciok din Balcauti, Suceava
no copyright infringement intended



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