Rothko Chapel and the Menil Collection

Houston, Texas: the Rothko Chapel, and in front of it the Broken Obelisk created by Barnett Newman to honor the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King.

I saw the works of Rothko and Newman at the Washington National Gallery of Art - and there is a small Rothko Room at the Phillips Collection.
Hopefully I will have the possibility to see the Rothko Chapel during my brief staying in Houston.
And here three paintings from the Menil Collection, nearby the chapel. Picasso, a Still Life with Skull, then an astoundingly beautiful Magritte, La Clef de Verre, and a delicate Black Leaf on Green Background, painted by Matisse.
I leave you with them, I will be back at the end of next week.

(René Magritte)
Labels: Barnett Newman, Magritte, Matisse, Picasso, Rothko
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