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Friday, December 22, 2006

Snapshots without Camera - Bucharest vs. LA

Michael Godard, Martini Club
The Martini Club
Lost Snapshots

La Bucuresti o doamna primeste prin posta o cutie de banane in care se afla osemintele tatalui ei.
Femeia il avea inmormantat pe taica-sau la tara si a vrut sa vanda locul de mormant de acolo. A aranjat cu preotul din sat, care a vandut locul si nu a mai asteptat-o pe femeie sa vina sa il deshumeze pe tata - l-a deshumat el, l-a bagat intr-un amabalaj de banane (oase, pantofi, un pic de pamant, bucati de lemn din sicriu, etc) - si l-a expediat prin posta la Bucuresti.

La Los Angeles un copil de o luna este bagat pe aeroport printre bagaje, la controlul cu raze X.

Mama declara ca bunica a facut greseala - mama i-a dat pruncul bunicii sa il tina pana isi pune ea bagajele, ceasul, obiectele metalice si pantofii la control, bunica, mai grea de cap, sau depasita un pic de situatie, a pus si copilul printre bagaje, nu cumva sa il uite mama.

Romania: a Bucharest post office - the bones of a woman’s father come inside a banana box.
The father had been buried many years ago somewhere in the country. The woman wanted to sell the burial place and to move her father’s remnants in a cemetery in Bucharest. The village priest sold the place but did not wait for the woman to come – he took the bones, put them in a banana box, and sent the box by mail.

US: Los Angeles airport – an infant inside baggage at x rays control.
The mother tells that grandma made the mistake – she gave grandma the infant, to keep him till she, the mother, puts the baggage, along with the watch, the metallic objects, and the shoes at x rays control. As for grandma, a bit confused by the noisy environment, she has put the infant among the pieces of baggage.


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