Sarko is the new guy in town

Nicolas Sarkozy will be the next French president: 53% from the 70% counted ballots. Enthusiasm in Place de la Concorde, anger in Place de la Bastille. So it goes.
Well, it looks like there's a new guy in town, isn't it?
He takes an impressive heritage, it seems: stagnant wages, a lagging economy, frustration in impoverished, immigrant-heavy suburbs... all that kind of stuff (MSNBC). So it goes.
Any questions? Just that one: who's the president of the French Senate? Just in case.
am auzit ca dupa castigarea alegerilor si'a luat o scurta vacanta in Malta... avea nevoie cred, lupta electorala dusa cu socialistii francezi a fost foarte dura si stransa. in Malta, vorbesc localnicii ca a mers impreuna cu sotia sa, pe jumatate romanca... iata, Pierre, un bun prilej ca Romania sa spere la mai mult sprijin european din partea Frantei (?) poate ma insel, sa vedem :>
romaniausa, at 7:33 PM
mi-e teama ca te inseli :)
Pierre Radulescu, at 1:46 PM
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