Starbucks in Fairfax - Dreams and Baristas

Panels on the walls, carrying dreams of adventures. Well, they look the same way, the panels in the Starbucks house in Fairfax County, or in the Town of Watertown, on the M Street in Georgetown, or on the Varick Street, in Manhattan. They look the same way in any Starbucks house, in America, or in China, or in Romania, at Bucharest. I enjoy their design, as they remind me of my first visit in a Starbucks house; I didn't have by that time a too great knowledge about the way it was in America. I didn't know anything about the Starbucks empire with its good things (just a couple in all) and bad things (lots). For me it was just a coffee shop and the panels hanging on the walls were telling me about adventurous dreams.
I promised to tell you a little bit about the baristas of the Starbucks house in the PanAm center, at Fairfax. They are all young, they work part-time, as they are studying at the George Mason University where they founded a small theatrical company, The Transylvanian Concubines, yes, that's the name!
If you want to know how
to fly high then go now
to the place where all the concubines...
to fly high then go now
to the place where all the concubines...
(If you'd like to see how it's going on, click here).
Here are two of them, Mere and David Destroy:

But check this out: Turn Ons: Boys who are girls who like girls !?! Makes sense, isn't it?
Well, Mere is very nice and she has a great sense of humor.
What's she dreaming at? Here you go: going to a hundred million concerts, traveling to her far-away friends and partying the weekends away.

Other nicknames? Check this out: DDFF, whatever that means (for instance, Dead Deer Flickers Friend, or close to).
His quote: Fat people are hard to kidnap! I can agree.
And here are his preferences: anything film related, tearing it up in my band SWORDS, and jerking off.
(Around Fairfax Circle)
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