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Thursday, November 08, 2007

Old Saybrook - Old Tales from Turgenev and Sadoveanu

Old Saybrook. Hunting landscape...

...Turgenev comes in mind: Sketches from a Hunter's Album (Записки охотника)...

...kому случалось из Волховского уезда перебираться в Жиздринский, того, вероятно, поражала резкая разница между породой людей в Орловской губернии и калужской породой (anyone who has chanced to pass from the Bolhovsky district into the Zhizdrinsky district, must have been impressed by the striking difference between the race of people in the province of Orel and the population of the province of Kaluga)...

...and it's going on...

...or Sadoveanu, with his stories about hunters and fishermen: Tara de dincolo de negura...

...cartea aceasta e dintre acele pe care le tii pe langa tine, le citesti cu delicii complicate, le inchizi un moment ca sa-ti imaginezi mai bine ce-ai citit, aprinzi tigara cand simti ca vine un pasaj si mai incantator -- nu ca sa-l saluti cu focuri de artificii, ci pentru ca omul e nesatios si vrea fericiri complete (this book is one of those you keep close to you, you read them with sophisticated delicacies; you open them a minute, to better imagine what you've just read, you start a cigarette when you feel more enchanting lines are coming - not to greet the book with artifices, only because man is never bellyful and keeps on dreaming at complete beatitudes).

(New England)


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