Morning in Dneprodzerjinsk
Dneprodzerjinsk is in Ukraine. The painting of Minski, on view now at the Principle Gallery in Alexandria, shows a place where the metallurgical colossus invaded the quiet old town. Like many such other places, everyone there was living only the rhythms of the industrial environment, its presence was total, leaving no room for anything else. Then, what happened here after the nineties? It happened like in many such other places: says someone in a comment to a video, каждый раз, как приезжаю туда, людей становится все меньше (each time I arrive there, people are fewer and fewer).
Well, is there only industrial past and nostalgic present? I didn't know much about Dneprodzerjinsk, only its laying on the borders of the Dnieper's, so I was certain it should have its beauties. And I found one by reading the comment further: Особенно хорош желтый, пыльный август, такого августа нет нигде! (such a yellow, dusty August there is nowhere else).
(Principle Gallery)
There are also another comment: nothing of the sort! :) Maybe there was a lot more population at USSR times, but now it is not so bad at all ;)
maxmaster, at 11:01 AM
Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm just browsing ANACHORETA SPECTATOR. I like your point in Conspiracy Theories, the guys are already control all they wanna to control. Now they are just playing the stuff.
I don't know if you are familiar with Italian, there is a saying there, se non e vero e ben trovato - if it's not rue, at least it's well found.
Have fun,
Pierre Radulescu, at 12:20 PM
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