Picasso: The Artist and His Model, 1964
It is 1964: Picasso in front of a nude female, the subject he so much loved. He is now old, all that he sees is pure carnality, a chaotic pile of anatomic parts, all he has any more are his eyes and his paintbrushes: his desire remained intact, all he can do is voyeurism and imagination. Dirty old man, poor old man, the poignant depiction of the tragedy of decay.
(Paint Made Flesh)
Labels: Picasso
Nice comment on Piccaso,I remember teachers talking about aesthetics and art history, how as he got older he became more elemental, child like, especially when viewed with his earlier " classical period." Sometimes the intention of high art has nothing to do about it.
Ben Gage, at 9:13 AM
Thank you for your lines: they clarify exactly the last period of creation in the life of Picasso.
Pierre Radulescu, at 12:08 PM
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