A nice and kind man, an enthusiast of the Internet, a great friend: this was Adrian Boldan. He died today in a car accident. I will miss him. I will miss his jokes and his kindness.
A fost un om neobisnuit de inzestrat si mai ales un om bun caruia ii placea sa daruiasca si sa ajute. Il amuza sa ne provoace si chiar sa ne infurie, dar o facea fara rautate, de dragul controversei.Nimeni n-a fost si nu va mai fi ca el, lasa pe lumea asta un loc care va ramane gol pentru totdeauna. O lovitura ingrozitor de nedreapta a soartei
Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca! Ma bucur ca l-am cunoscut ... pe EFR si ca l-am vazut odata chiar, am discutat cateva ore si mi-a parut rau cand a plecat ...a fost acu 5 ani ... as da timpul inapoi
I only knew Adrian by face seeing him participate in the different shiurim in our Bais Medresh in Lubavitch. I can only say that by simply observing him I could detect that this was a kind and most sincere oved Hashem bitmimut. May he be a gooter osbeter for his family and Klal Yisroel and we merit the coming Of Mashiach Now. Shlomo Rosenzweig
I am really sad - just found out - 1 year later :( this is a huge loss - as a prospective immigrant I was enjoying his posts on EFR - he was a good person and a oasis of normality on that forum :(
I am really sad - just found out - 1 year later :( this is a huge loss - as a prospective immigrant I was enjoying his posts on EFR - he was a good person and a oasis of normality on that forum :(
Dumnezeu sa l ocroteasca in eternitate.
cibinensis, at 10:37 AM
A fost un om neobisnuit de inzestrat si mai ales un om bun caruia ii placea sa daruiasca si sa ajute. Il amuza sa ne provoace si chiar sa ne infurie, dar o facea fara rautate, de dragul controversei.Nimeni n-a fost si nu va mai fi ca el, lasa pe lumea asta un loc care va ramane gol pentru totdeauna.
O lovitura ingrozitor de nedreapta a soartei
Anonymous, at 12:08 PM
Thanks for your post. Adrian will be very much missed.
Wolf Family, at 1:55 PM
A very clever and full of humor, a good one, that was AB (as we called him).
You'll be ever in our hearts.
miriam_h957, at 4:39 PM
Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca! Ma bucur ca l-am cunoscut ... pe EFR si ca l-am vazut odata chiar, am discutat cateva ore si mi-a parut rau cand a plecat ...a fost acu 5 ani ... as da timpul inapoi
Anonymous, at 10:11 PM
He was a very good kind hearted man that cared about his family and the world around him. He helped whenever he could. He will be missed.
Anonymous, at 4:36 PM
I only knew Adrian by face seeing him participate in the different shiurim in our Bais Medresh in Lubavitch. I can only say that by simply observing him I could detect that this was a kind and most sincere oved Hashem bitmimut. May he be a gooter osbeter for his family and Klal Yisroel and we merit the coming Of Mashiach Now. Shlomo Rosenzweig
Unknown, at 11:06 AM
I am really sad - just found out - 1 year later :(
this is a huge loss - as a prospective immigrant I was enjoying his posts on EFR - he was a good person and a oasis of normality on that forum :(
Alex T
Anonymous, at 7:55 PM
I am really sad - just found out - 1 year later :(
this is a huge loss - as a prospective immigrant I was enjoying his posts on EFR - he was a good person and a oasis of normality on that forum :(
Anonymous, at 7:56 PM
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