The Bookshelf of Yoko
の柴田洋子の本棚にあるものをご紹介。本日 は漫画家・吉田戦車さんの本をご紹介。代表作、「伝染るんです」 が実写化されたというニュースには驚かされました。古田新太さん がかわうそ君を演じてるそうです。私が吉田戦車さんの本にはまっ たきっかけとなった、永井均さんの本「マンガは哲学する」もオス スメです。
Okay, it sounds like Japanese, and I know that this is not your strongest point (mine neither, by the way). But Yoko is so nice, that I wanted to know what's all about.
First of all, Yokomaririn and HANAFUBUKI are the same person: Yoko. Her videos were so great art that she decided to start o second youTube channel, just to be more herself.
Here is about the books she loves. it's all manga, and, to be more specific, star wars manga. It's Yoshida, and Furuta, and Nagai. Well, Yoshida is much more, look here:

With Furuta we come back to earth (or more likely up, on the stars):

As for Nagai, here is an intriguing image: is it an extra-terrestrial Yoko?

Anyway, this is my English version of Yoko's text; hopefully I'm not too far :)
(The Thousand faces of HANAFUBUKI)
This post is hilarious, Pierre.
I admire your imagination.
This is beyond my imagination!
I love this English version :)
Hanafubuki, at 12:50 PM
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