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Friday, October 08, 2010

Mouse, a Movie by Greg Pak

Mouse, an 11 minutes movie made by Greg Pak in 1997. A young guy is too obsessed by chasing a mouse (that's squeaking all over the place in the small apartment) to be able any more to follow the conversation with his girlfriend about decisions to take over pregnancy.

There are two parallel universes here: one of the human values, the other of the mundane. We are absorbed by the mundane and forget to fully live as humans.

It is also another idea in this movie (and I wonder if it is characteristic for the whole Greg Pak's work): the two universes, as opposite as they are, are subtly communicating each other. The young man performs some actions in the universe of stupid everyday tasks that are the perfect image of what he would do in the other universe.

(Greg Pak)



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