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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas is Coming: Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

Christmas is coming and Santa started his errands, going to the kids that were good, also to the kids that promised to be good from now on. I met with him this morning and a red nosed reindeer was looking at me with large eyes. It was Rudolph, whom you already know, I think.

For those who haven't yet met with Santa and his red nosed reindeer, I have here two videos telling the story of Rudolph. There's no Christmas like old Christmas, seems to say the first video, while the second gives us the lyrics. I dedicate this video to Marica, my good friend on an onLine forum of words & palabras, as well as on Facebook. She was kind of skeptical about Santa and all this stuff: well, here you have the proof!



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