Max Reger: Four Tone Poems after Arnold Böcklin, Op.128
Max Reger composed a suite of four tone poems, inspired by the paintings of Arnold Böcklin (Vier Tondichtung Nach Arnold Böcklin). It is great music and I will come back soon to the works of Reger, as I love his organ compositions.
The Böcklin Suite respects the rule of Andante-Allegro-Andante-Allegro order, as the paintings Reger selected have the same character - meditative-joyful-meditative-joyful (a hermit whose only friend is an old violin, spied by little angels who enjoy music - ambiguous couples of seemingly satyrs - or centaurs maybe - and probable virgins playing in the sea waves - the place where each of us will go some day for ever - a bacchanal).
Arnold Böcklin, Der Geigende Eremit, 1884
no copyright infringement intended
Max Reger: Tone Poem No. 1 after Arnold Böcklin
Der geigende Eremit (The Hermit Playing the Violin)
Ferdinand Helmann plays the solo violin part
with the Royal Concertgebouw led by Hermann Abendrot, 1941
(video by musicanth)
Arnold Böcklin, Im Spiel der Wellen, 1883
Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen Munich, Neue Pinakothek
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Max Reger: Tone Poem No. 2 after Arnold Böcklin
Im Spiel der Wellen (At Play in the Waves)
the Royal Concertgebouw led by Hermann Abendrot, 1941
(video by musicanth)
Arnold Böcklin, Die Toteninsel, 1880
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
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Max Reger: Tone Poem No. 3 after Arnold Böcklin
Die Toteninsel (The Isle of the Dead)
the Royal Concertgebouw led by Hermann Abendrot, 1941
(video by musicanth)
Max Reger: Tone Poem No. 4 after Arnold Böcklin
the Royal Concertgebouw led by Hermann Abendrot, 1941
(video by musicanth)
(Arnold Böcklin)
(Max Reger)
The Böcklin Suite respects the rule of Andante-Allegro-Andante-Allegro order, as the paintings Reger selected have the same character - meditative-joyful-meditative-joyful (a hermit whose only friend is an old violin, spied by little angels who enjoy music - ambiguous couples of seemingly satyrs - or centaurs maybe - and probable virgins playing in the sea waves - the place where each of us will go some day for ever - a bacchanal).

no copyright infringement intended
Max Reger: Tone Poem No. 1 after Arnold Böcklin
Der geigende Eremit (The Hermit Playing the Violin)
Ferdinand Helmann plays the solo violin part
with the Royal Concertgebouw led by Hermann Abendrot, 1941
(video by musicanth)

Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen Munich, Neue Pinakothek
no copyright infringement intended
Max Reger: Tone Poem No. 2 after Arnold Böcklin
Im Spiel der Wellen (At Play in the Waves)
the Royal Concertgebouw led by Hermann Abendrot, 1941
(video by musicanth)

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
no copyright infringement intended
Max Reger: Tone Poem No. 3 after Arnold Böcklin
Die Toteninsel (The Isle of the Dead)
the Royal Concertgebouw led by Hermann Abendrot, 1941
(video by musicanth)
I haven't found any reproduction of Böcklin's Bacchanal (except the image on the video). If some of you do find a reproduction, please let me know. Thanks in advance!
Max Reger: Tone Poem No. 4 after Arnold Böcklin
the Royal Concertgebouw led by Hermann Abendrot, 1941
(video by musicanth)
(Max Reger)
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