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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

David Graux: L'Echo d'un Songe

David Graux: L'Echo d'un Songe
no copyright infringement intended

His main subject is the beauty and mystery of woman, evoked both through his sensual nudes and through the symbolic richness and Oriental motifs of his colorful backgrounds. His paintings are, in effect, forms of tangible poetry.

And here is a small poem that I liked. I found it together with the image, in a blog of eigene Lyrik mit ausgewählten Bildern (own poetry with images of choice). The blog is authored by Gerhard, architect and poet. And, like in his other poems, Gerhard suggests a new title for the painting - Like an Hourglass.

Wie eine Sanduhr

Zum See will ich gehen
Wenn es Frühling wird
Das Leben packen
Es umdrehen wie eine Sanduhr
Auf dich warten
Bei unserer Bank
Wieder verliebt sein ...

I want to go to the lake
When spring comes
Grab life
Flip it over like an hourglass
Waiting for you
On our bench
To be again in love...

(Contemporary Art)


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