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Monday, June 17, 2013

Gibran: The Night Became Calm

no copyright infringement intended

A poem by Gibran - I found it mentioned in Honour, the latest novel by Elif Shafak, that I'm reading. The title of the poem is Sakana Al-Layl (The Night Became Calm).

سكن الليل و في ثوب السكون تختبي الأحلام
وسع البدر و للبدر عيون ترصد الأيام
فتعالي يا إبنة الحقل نزور كرمة العشاق
علنا نطفي بذياك العصير حرقة الأشواق
سمع البلبل ما بين الحقول يسكب الألحان
في فضاء نفخت فيه التلول نسمة الريحان
لا تخافي يا فتاتي فالنجوم تكتم الأخبار
و ضباب الليل في تلك الكروم يحجب الأسرار
لا تخافي فعروس الجن في كهفها المسحور
هجعت سكرى و كادت تختفي عن عيون الحور
و مليك الجن إن مر يروح و الهوى يثنيه
فهو مثلي عاشق كيف يبوح بالذي يضنيه

no copyright infringement intended

The night became calm
And in the cloak of calmness kept hidden the dreams
The full moon widened
And in the moon watched over the days
So come my daughter of the fields
Let us visit the vineyard of lovers
Perhaps we will extinguish the flame of desire with the sweet juice
The nightingale is heard amidst the fields pouring out melodies
In the space that the hills breathed a breeze of sweet basil
Don't fear, my girl
For the stars can hold their tongue
And the fog of night in that vineyard covers the secrets
Do not fear
For the bride of jinn
In her enchanted cave
Slept sweetly and was on the verge being hidden from the pitch black eyes
And the king of the jinn if he passed by he would leave diverted by love
For he is like me a lover
How can he betray that which consumes him (with love)?

Fairouz سكن الليل Sakana Al_Layle (traduit en français)
(video by tzygandal)


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