Iraqi Bloggers

Zeyad is a 27-year-old dentist in Baghdad and the author of the blog, Healing Iraq. Born in Baghdad. Spent early childhood in England. Came back to Iraq in 1986. Blogging since October 2003.
Hassan Kharrufa, 20, is studying civil engineering at the University of Technology in Baghdad. Never traveled outside Iraq. Learned English by reading books. Favorite authors: Agatha Christie, Robert Ludlum. Blogging at An Average Iraqi since February 2004.
Konfused Kid, 21, attends college in Baghdad, where he studies computer engineering. Fan of science fiction, aspiring guitarist. Started his blog Eject: Iraqi Konfused Kollege Kid in July 2005.
Ayad Rahim, a freelance journalist exploring the Arab world, Islam, terrorism and Iraq. Recently spent six months in Iraq recounting his experiences on his blog, Live from Baghdad. Lives in Cleveland.
All of them post on the NY Times' blog "Day to Day in Iraq" on a regular basis.
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