The Group of Some

If the right is at power, then the Some are on the left. Not the whole left - rather some part of the left. If the left comes to power, then the Some move to the right. Again, not the whole right - rather some part of the right. Because always there are the Any of the Others, it means the potential Some.
The Some are Those Who give nightmares to the Power - such terrible nightmares that the Power starts to believe it's true. This way the Some become Those Who can be shown to the Any of the Others - don't do like them, or you'll enter the Group of Some.
If you start to see Some Who ... it's good to ask yourself, it's about them or it's about some of my own fears?
Paul Krugman offers in today's NY Times some insight - only it's good to be aware that each power (from the left or from the right) considers Some ...
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