Profile: Segolene Royal

Segolene Royal could be the first female president of France, after being their first cyber-candidate. The French Socialist establishment was considering her as too light-weight (Who will take care of her children? - Laurent Fabius, Presidential race is not a beauty contest - Jack Lang - it seems that the French left remained anchored in some very old male views), so Segolene took a grass-roots approach. She has a blog (Desirs d'avenir) that solicit views on the economy, unemployment and immigration. Chapter by chapter, she is writing and publishing on her blog a book that has been likened to a political manifesto (W Post).
Don't take her for a lightweight candidate. Segolene has her strong personal views which sometimes go far beyond the well known positions of the French left and even against some sacred cows of the Socialist establishment, the 35-hour workweek, for instance. She also does not hide her admiration for British PM Blair (who is anathema for French left). She thinks with her own head, she thinks well, and she has the courage to say what she thinks.
Now, as Segolene uses so intensively the net roots, look what net roots have to say. Here you go:
- There is a good chance she may win (I think so, too)
- Sexy French blah-blah blah (stupid remarks)
- Interesting info (je vous l'accorde)
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