Snapshots without Camera - Early Bird Japanese (a story from Jean)

The Martini Club
Lost Snapshots
This one comes from Jean.
Dimineata devreme, inca racoare, inainte ca oamenii sa fi pornit, cand cafenelele Romei de abia si-au deschis obloanele. O piata celebra a capitalei, plina de monumente care sunt multiplicate la infinit pe carti postale. Pe terasa cafenelei, o singura clienta: o tanara japoneza. In fata ei, pe masa, o cafea. O cafea italieneasca, in inima Italiei, la Roma. Si japoneza, cu aparatul ei cu macroobiectiv, fotografia ceasca de cafea.
It’s early morning, still cool in the air, people haven’t yet started their rush, and Roman cafes have just opened their shutters. A celebrated piazza, full of celebrated monuments, multiplied on celebrated postcards, ad infinitum. On the café terrace only one patron: a young Japanese. In front of her, on the table, a cup of coffee. Italian coffee in the heart of Italy. And the Japanese, with her photographic camera (with macro-objective, how else?), photographing the cup of coffee.
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