Unitarian Worship - the Jam Session Approach

The Unitarian-Universalist Church in America.
Some of them believe that God is too good in his essence to condemn Mankind.
Some of them believe that Mankind is too good in his essence to be condemned by God.
Some of them believe that God imagined Mankind in God's likeness because God is great.
Some of them believe that Mankind imagined God in Mankind's likeness because Mankind is great.
Some of them believe God exists and Universe is a sacrament.
Some of them believe God does not exist, still Universe is a sacrament.
Worship means a different thing for each Unitarian. Still they gather each Sunday in Worship.
How looks Unitarian Worship like?
Unitarian Worship is like a Jam Session.

The saxophonist starts his theme. At a certain moment the piano starts, following the theme of the saxophone, then distancing from it towards something surprisingly different. The saxophone waits a little, tries a variation on the new theme of the piano, then comes back to its own. A guitar enters the picture, mimicking the sax and the piano, then going to its own melody. A singer comes with a lullaby, then she passes the mike to another, who's speaking of the beauty of cave paintings in Altamira - she discovered them long time ago and still thinks whether Altamira is an icon of God or an icon of Mankind. Someone from the audience joins them and takes the sax - his theme is about the feeling he had when he saw in Beijing the huge statues of Buddha. Then there is a variation - a sarcastically political poem. The lullaby comes again - and by some variation becomes a recitative form George Eliot's verses, Brother Jacob and Stradivarius, The Legend of Jubal and Arion, A Minor Prophet and The Death of Moses. The piano comes again.
And the rhythm of drums - discrete, following each theme and trying each variation.

(Church in America)
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