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Friday, August 08, 2008


I made a walk today on Lee Highway, from Circle Towers up to Gallows Road, around two miles and a half (so there were five miles round trip). It's a splendid walk. I always pass Merrifield by metro, sometimes by car. It's the first time I walked there. I made a lot of photos., also some videos. What to choose for the first message? I decided to put this sign, as I guess it's funny: Fred Astaire in Merrifield! Don't get confused, Fred Astaire has nothing in common with Merrifield, Northern Virginia, only this sign somewhere on some building. But it's funny.

Here is a video with Fred Astaire, from youTube. It was posted there by cheyennewong (a young Australian who introduces himself as happy and confused, whatever that means).

Have fun!

Washington, District of Columbia)


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