
I made a walk today on Lee Highway, from Circle Towers up to Gallows Road, around two miles and a half (so there were five miles round trip). It's a splendid walk. I always pass Merrifield by metro, sometimes by car. It's the first time I walked there. I made a lot of photos., also some videos. What to choose for the first message? I decided to put this sign, as I guess it's funny: Fred Astaire in Merrifield! Don't get confused, Fred Astaire has nothing in common with Merrifield, Northern Virginia, only this sign somewhere on some building. But it's funny.
Here is a video with Fred Astaire, from youTube. It was posted there by cheyennewong (a young Australian who introduces himself as happy and confused, whatever that means).
Have fun!
- Villa Lee
- Patriotic Supplies
- American Roads: The Gas Stations
- Merrifield Garden Center
- La Bagnole
- There Was Once An Inn On The Gallows
(Washington, District of Columbia)
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