Caballo Imaginando a Dios

A pesar de lo que digan, la idea de un cielo habitado por Caballos y presidido por un Dios con figura equina repugna al buen gusto y a la lógica más elemental, razonaba los otros días el caballo.
Todo el mundo sabe -continuaba en su razonamiento - que si los Caballos fuéramos capaces de imaginar a Dios lo imaginaríamos en forma de Jinete.
In spite of what they say, the idea of a sky inhabited by Horses and presided over by a God with horse face is horrible for the good taste and for the most elementary logic, the horse reasoned the other day.
Everybody knows - it went on reasoning - could we Horses imagine God the image would have the form of a Rider.
Everybody knows - it went on reasoning - could we Horses imagine God the image would have the form of a Rider.
In ciuda a ce se spune, ideea unui cer locuit de Cai si prezidat de un Dumnezeu cu figura cabalina revolta bunul simt si logica cea mai elementara, se gandi Calul mai deunazi.
Pai toata lumea stie - isi continua el rationamentul - ca daca noi Caii am fi capabili sa ni-l imaginam pe Dumnezeu, ar avea forma unui Calaret.
Pai toata lumea stie - isi continua el rationamentul - ca daca noi Caii am fi capabili sa ni-l imaginam pe Dumnezeu, ar avea forma unui Calaret.

(Augusto Monterroso)
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