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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Few Words about Carlos Fuentes

no copyright infringement intended

Death awaits the bravest, the richest, the most beautiful.  But death makes them equal to the most cowardly, the poorest, the ugliest, not in the simple fact of dying, not even in knowing death, but in the ignorance of death.  We know that it will come one day, but we never know what it is.

Jill Rapaport has a superb little story about Carlos Fuentes:

I once went to hear Carlos Fuentes read; it was spur of the moment and I didn't happen to have any of his books with me; they invited listeners to come up at the end and have their books autographed and since I wanted to meet him, I went up with the novel I was reading, a cheap paperback edition of Middlemarch. I sort of apologized for having only this when it was my turn to shake hands with him, but he was really nice about it and took the book from me and said something like "Yes, as I remember, this was a very good novel." And he signed it. It was the only time I'd ever tried to get an autograph from anybody.

And here is video showing Carlos Fuentes in a visit to a famous place in Veracruz: el Gran Café de la Parroquia.

(Jill Rapaport)

(Una Vida Entre Libros)

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