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Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Charles Simic: The Lunatic

is one snowflake the same or different from another?
(image from Riveredge Nature Center)
no copyright infringement intended

The same snowflake
kept falling out of the gray sky
all afternoon,
falling and falling
and picking itself up
off the ground,
to fall again,
but now more surreptitiously,
more carefully
as ...

(read the end of the poem in The NewYorker)

Acelasi fulg de nea
a tot picat usor din cerul cenusiu
toata dupa amiaza,
picand, picand
si ridicandu-se singur
de pe pamant,
ca sa pice din nou,
dar de-acum mai pe furis,
mai circumspect,
caci noaptea se plimba prin jur sa vada ce se intampla

(Charles Simic)



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