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Sunday, January 04, 2015

Jill Rapaport: Duchamp et Moi and Other Stories

(Facebook Page of Jill Rapaport)
no copyright infringement intended

A book with a very NY universe in it: nihilistic, minimal, sometimes absurd, sometimes cruel, all this interlaced with a delicate fabric made of dreams (how is that is difficult to explain). Duchamp has just landed in Manhattan and people there are taking him for Beckett, so he is looking for his Godot, while encountering Proust by pure chance. Marcel Duchamp and Marcel Proust in Manhattan, in the Chelsea district, encountering Jill Rapaport in Madison Square Park. A small quiet place, a spot of illusory happiness in the madness of a city that is devouring itself. The book of Jill Rapaport is somehow a very Manhattanian À la recherche du temps perdu - in search of a lost time and of a vanishing city. À la recherche du temps perdu et d'une cité qui n'est plus ce qu'il était autrefois, on trouve un petit jardin, un petit coin du paradise, où Jill raconte ses histories.

(Jill Rapaport)



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