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Sunday, May 17, 2020

Vivian Maier

Vivian Maier, Selfportrait, 1953
(source: The Old NY FB Page)
no copyright infringement intended

I came upon the name of Vivian Maier (1996-2009) by pure chance. It was a Facebook post, describing her life in great detail, and it impressed me a lot. A woman working for all her life (quite a long life) as a nanny, first in NY, then in Chicago, while, unknown to anyone, taking thousands and thousands of street photographs. After she died there were discovered more than one hundred thousand photos. Nobody had known about. Her life seemed to come from the imagination of someone with the talent of, let's say, Joseph Mitchell. I thought that a movie should be made and I put this comment on Facebook. A reply came immediatelly: actually there were three documentaries. I ordered one of them on the Amazon and it would come by end May, start June. Meanwhile I would continue to look for her photos, to put some here.

By now, here is the link to the story of her life that I read on Facebook:

(America viewed by Americans)

(New York, New York)



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