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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Greg Pak: Super Power Blues (2005)

Super Power Blues
: a 7 minutes movie made by Greg Pak in 2005. A super-heroine has to rescue the world on a daily basis while all she wishes is to sleep with her boyfriend.

Watching Super Power Blues made me understand better Mouse, the 11 minutes movie that Greg Pak made in 1997. I was thinking at the two parallel universes of that movie: the one of human values, the other of the mundane. Maybe I was a bit wrong: while the first universe would be the normal universe of us, humans, the space of our relationships, of our interactions, the second is not necessarily of the mundane, of stupid everyday tasks.

You see, Greg Pak is a comics author, and what he is exploring is actually the way our normal universe comes in contact with the universe of his comics, populated by all kind of robots and superheroes, little mice joyously squeaking all over the place, funny puppies and dolls that start talking to us or play balalaika, whatever. Two universes evolving in parallel, sometimes unaware of one another, sometimes in competition, sometimes in cooperation. Even superheroes saving the world need sometimes room for their private life; well, it seems that Greg Pak does not leave them alone even in those moments.

(Greg Pak)



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