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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Lorelei viewed by Catalani

Catalani's Loreley was premiered in 1890. It was a reworking of a previous opera of him, Elda, and it was offering a new perspective over the legend of the Rhine maiden:  I would say a perspective anchored in the Verismo ways of approaching such things, a realist take that doesn't forget some mythical echo.

The poem of Heine gives a view on the fact (a girl is chained on a rocky hill over a rapid of Rhine and keeps on with her songs, making boatmen to loose their senses and drown), while the opera of Catalani gives a view before the fact:

Loreley is an orphan unhappily in love with Walter who loves Anna. Loreley makes a pact with the Alberich, King of the Rhine to make her irresistible. Everything goes wrong, Walter drowns himself and Loreley is left eternally on her rock, calling young men to their doom.

Loreley: The Dance of the Water Nymphs
Toscanini conducts NBC Symphony Orchestra
Gioacchino Pagliei, The Naiads, 1881
(video by Epogdous)

Loreley: Ebbene! Ogni pietà spenta in me sia
Anna De Cavalieri performing
(video by youfeda)

Loreley: Nel verde maggio
Franco Corelli performing
Franco Ferraris conducts New Philharmonia Orchestra
(video by opcel1)

Loreley: Amor, celeste ebrezza...
Magda Olivero perfoming
(Magda Olivero celebrated her 102nd birthday on March 25, 2012)
(video by Addiobelpassato)

(Alfredo Catalani)

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