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Monday, August 12, 2013

Paulo Lins

Paulo Lins
no copyright infringement intended

A arte é livre, e temos que encarar a leitura como o cinema, a televisão, o circo.
(Art is free, and we have to face reading as cinema, television, the circus)

Paulo Lins wrote Cidade de Deus (City of God), based on which Meirelles made his movie. I watched the movie some years ago, I will talk here about it: it's more than a masterpiece, it's essential. I haven't yet read the book, and today I found a Romanian translation. I ordered the book immediately and it will come to me tomorrow. I didn't have the same luck with his newest book, Desde que o Samba é Samba (Ever Since Samba Has Been Samba): a novel that's more Brazilian than Rio’s Corcovado itself! Wow! It's not yet translated from Portuguese, so I'll have to wait. So it goes.

(Una Vida Entre Libros)



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