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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Jonathan Lethem

Jonathan Lethem
on the banks of the Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn, NY
(uploaded on Wikimedia Commons by Dreamyshade)
no copyright infringement intended

Es una pena que no pueda publicar directamente en segunda mano; soy un verdadero apasionado de los libros usados, no de los nuevos (Jonathan Lethmen, quoted in El País)

[It's a shame I cannot publish directly for resale; I am a truly aficionado of used books, rather than first editions]

novelist, essayist and short story writer; his first novel (Gun, with Occasional Music, mixing SF and detective fiction) was published in 1994; Motherless Brooklyn (published in 1999) gained mainstream recognition; The Fortress of Solitude, from 2003, entered the NY Times Best Seller List; and he wrote many other novels and short stories; his books are kind of genre bending (mixing SF, detective, and autobiography); El País has in today's issue a column consecrated to Jonathan Lethem (El perfil izquierdo de EE UU), speaking about his most recent novel, Dissident Gardens, from 2013 (translated in Spanish, Los Jardines de la disidencia); his Chronic City, from 2009, is also mentioned in the column; you should read also Contracultura y caricatura, also from El País (Jonathan Lethem afila su pluma frente al activismo político en Los jardines de la disidencia); if they say so...

and another quote from the guy: los americanos son un pueblo ahistórico, los europeos no se lo pueden permitir

(A Life in Books)



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