El Espejo Que No Podia Dormir
The video has a quirky title (El Espejo Que No Es Espejo, which means The Mirror That's Not A Mirror). It's made by Felip Ex 1988, and it is funny, though a bit too long (I think). Meanwhile the story by Augusto Monterroso is short enough, probably to compensate. And it has a title that's even quirkier: El Espejo que No Podia Dormir, which means The Mirror That Couldn't Sleep.
Había una vez un espejo de mano que cuando se quedaba solo y nadie se veía en él se sentía de lo peor, como que no existía, y quizá tenía razón; pero los otros espejos se burlaban de él, y cuando por las noches los guardaban en el mismo cajón del tocador dormían a pierna suelta satisfechos, ajenos a la preocupación del neurótico.
There was once a hand mirror that felt miserably when it remained alone, with no one to be seen in it; it felt like it were not existent, and perhaps it was right; only the other mirrors were making fun of it, and, during nights, when they were kept together in the same drawer of the dressing table, all were sleeping soundly well, without any concern for the neurotic one.

Deceptive Tresses Reflected In A Hand Mirror;
Sosie a Ilenei Cosanzeana)
Era odata o oglinda care se simtea mizerabil cand ramanea singura, fara nimeni care sa se uite in ea; simtamantul era ca si cand nu ar fi existat deloc, si probabil ca avea dreptate; numai ca oglinzile celelalte faceau haz de ea, iar in timpul noptii, cand toate erau stranse laolalta in acelasi sertar al noptierei, dormeau tun fara sa le pese de cea neurotica.

(Augusto Monterroso)
Labels: Monterroso
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