Paul Verlaine

The book is in my home library, in a Romanian translation (Inchisorile Mele). It belonged to my uncle who passed away in 1944, when my mother was pregnant with me. At birth I was given his name, Pierre. One of the links between us is this home library, full of books gathered by him. I was fifteen or sixteen when I started reading Verlaine's Mes Prisons. I didn't finish it, I was thinking to read firstly his poetry. I was then tempted by other authors. so I have never read enough of his verses. I think it's time now to revive the project of my early years.
- Art poétique
- Story of a Dance (Clair de Lune)
- Promenade Sentimentale
- Promenade Sentimentale: a Russian Rendering
- The War of the ph/f Word - La Guerre du Nénuf(ph)ar
dessin de Paul Verlaine (created in 1889, published in 1896, Feb 15, in La Plume)
(Le Parnasse des Lettres)
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