Hans Moser - Endstation

with Hans Moser, Paul Hörbiger, Maria Andergast
no copyright infringement intended
I can't believe it! Hans Moser plays Paul Hörbiger's father. I didn't think that Hans was that older. Paul Hörbiger plays a street car conductor in Paris, German style (are you sure is it about Paris? How could that be, Paris with German inscriptions everywhere? - my note). Maria Andergast plays a hat creator working at a fashion shop owned by Hubert von Meyerinck. Hans Moser visits a bakery to talk to the owner about getting their children (the baker's daughter and Hans's son) together. Maria has just finished a hat and now she must go and give it to the client. She gets on the street car run by Paul. Paul insists on having the hat box being hanged on the back of the street car. All of a sudden the hat box drops and another street car smashes it. He goes out and picks it up and gives it to her all smashed. He helps her out by later going to the client and making up a story about what happened so Maria would not get fired. He later goes to the fashion shop and gives the hat making up a story how it was found. The street car conductors have an annual festival. Oskar Sima (who plays Straßenbahninspektor Grenzing) gives an invitation for the festival to a a girl who works in the fashion shop. She doesn't want it. Other girls reject the invitation as well. Maria picks it up and decides to take it so she can get together with Paul. She shows up at the festival, hoping that he will notice her. He sings with the male chorus and she watches him. Afterwords he sits with his folks, along with the baker's family. The baker's daughter flirts at him so they end up dancing until he sees Maria. So he rejects the baker's daughter and dances with Maria. The rejected one goes back to the table in tears. Hans starts to spy on them as they get together outside. The baker and Paul's family are mad. Hans and Oskar (you remember, the Straßenbahninspektor Grenzing) get drunk. Next day Paul and Maria meet at lunch and he proposes to her. They have a little argument but then he must go back to work, He picks her up that night to meet his parents. As he goes out for some wine, his mother and father act rude to her which makes her furious, so she leaves. She goes back home and her friend tell her that her ex boss is at the Moulin Rouge (there is one also in Vienna, in case you didn't know) where she can talk to him in getting her job back (?). Paul finds out and goes up there too and has a fight with her. Hans goes to her and tries to apologize and she ignores him. then he goes to Paul and convinces him to get his girl. He does. This film was shot in Vienna before the Anschluss.
(I found the above text on imdb if you don't get confused with it, then you are good :)
Karl Vierthaler (Paul Hörbiger) ist ein typischer Wiener, ein Feschak, gemütlich, dem Heurigen nicht abgeneigt und von Beruf Straßenbahnschaffner. Mit seinem Vater (Hans Moser), einem mosernden, raunzigen und grantlerischen Typ, lebt er sorgenfrei, bis eine hübsche kleine Modistin (Maria Andergast) in sein Leben tritt. Er verliebt sich auf der Stelle, als sie in seine Tram einsteigt. Nach einigen Verwicklungen, die mit ihrem selbstbewussten Auftreten zu tun haben, gewinnt die charmante Schneiderin die Gunst des Vaters und das Happy End findet an der Endstation statt.
It's really a surprise this movie shot in 1935, when all these guys were younger, so Paul Hörbiger could play the son of Hans Moser.
(Hans Moser)
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