Olavo Bilac: Velhas Árvores
Olha estas velhas árvores, — mais belas,
Do que as árvores moças, mais amigas,
Tanto mais belas quanto mais antigas,
Vencedoras da idade e das procelas...
O homem, a fera e o inseto à sombra delas
Vivem livres de fomes e fadigas;
E em seus galhos abrigam-se as cantigas
E alegria das aves tagarelas...
Não choremos jamais a mocidade!
Envelheçamos rindo! envelheçamos
Como as árvores fortes envelhecem,
Na glória da alegria e da bondade,
Agasalhando os pássaros nos ramos,
Dando sombra e consolo aos que padecem!
Look at these old trees, more lovely these
Than younger trees, more friendly too by far:
More beautiful the older that they are,
Victorious over age and stormy seas ...
The beasts, the insects, man, under the tree
Have lived, and been from toil and hunger free;
And in its higher branches safe and sound
Incessant songs of birds and love are found.
Our youth now lost, my friend, let's not bemoan!
Let's laugh as we grow old! let us grow old
As do the trees, so nobly, strong and bold:
Enjoy the glorious kindness we have sown,
And succor in our branches those who seek,
The shade and comfort offered to the weak!
(http://www.antoniomiranda.com.br/poesia_ingles/olavo_bilac.html)Than younger trees, more friendly too by far:
More beautiful the older that they are,
Victorious over age and stormy seas ...
The beasts, the insects, man, under the tree
Have lived, and been from toil and hunger free;
And in its higher branches safe and sound
Incessant songs of birds and love are found.
Our youth now lost, my friend, let's not bemoan!
Let's laugh as we grow old! let us grow old
As do the trees, so nobly, strong and bold:
Enjoy the glorious kindness we have sown,
And succor in our branches those who seek,
The shade and comfort offered to the weak!
(Olavo Bilac)
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