Hans Moser - Der Herr im Haus

with Hans Moser and Maria Andergast
no copyright infringement intended
Hans Moser is here the concierge of an apartment complex in the early 1900- I think. There are sorted amount of characters living in there. A fake Psychic and thief, played by Fritz Odemar. A chamber singer and actor, played by Leo Slezak. His daughter is played by Maria Andergast. Moser's son, Ferdinand, is played by Rudolph Schündler. The local theater is rehearsing a musical play about Napolean. Leo is a part of the play, and they can't find anybody to play Napolean. His daughter is taking voice lessons from her father. While skating she meets the count's (?) son who tries to flirt with her. Then she skates and falls, and Ferdinand helps her. When she later sees a play on her own, after it's over she meets the count's (?) son at a restaurant. He tries to get fresh with her after they eat and drink. Hans earlier found out what was happening and now he rescues Maria. Hans the next day goes to the fake psychic and asks him some information, but the psychic is not giving it, manipulating him out of his place. A dinner party is being given by Leo and his daughter Maria. They invite the count and the countess, also the fake psychic, and the countess' son. Hans Moser is helping out in the party by being a waiter. After the dinner the psychic puts on one of his fake acts, claiming to be telecomentric (whatever that means). He starts reading the countess' pearls that she gives him. He is going behind her back, sneaking the fake pearls out and putting the real ones in his coat, thus stealing them and giving her the fake ones (you got the picture). Then Slezak and another fellow actress sing some chamber music. Maria later on visits Ferdinand at his dad's place. He gives her voice lessons. Though her voice is weak, through his encouragement it gets stronger. He proposes to her and she agrees. They are kissing when Hans comes in and stops it . Ferdinand asks to leave. Hans talks to her, she tries to convince him that she loves his son. Ferdinand comes back and tells him that the fake psychic has invited the count, his wife and son, and Leo to a fake séance to contact Napoleon. Hans plans to dress up as Napoleon to make the fake psychic think he has power, by showing up. When the psychic starts the séance, Hans, dressed up as Napi (the short for Napoleon - my note) shows up from the door and then slaps his face. As Maria is watching the rehearsal of Napolean, watching her fiancé in a role, she is asked by her father to go find some papers. She accidentally finds a note that reveals that the fake psychic has stolen the real pearls and is going to sell them for three thousand dollars. She goes to Hans and tells him. Hans confronts the fake psychic demanding the pearl necklace back . He is pressured to give it back and the check that Leo gave him. The partner pretending to be a butler (who the hell is this one?) comes back and knocks him down. He tries to leave, when he sees the police coming in, so he tries to run back up the stairs, but they catch him. Later on Hans gives Leo his check back.
(I found the above text on imdb; from all this galimatias it's difficult to understand whether Ferdinand is the son of the character played by Hans Moser, or the son of the count; hopefully the movie will clarify this :)
Der Hausmeister Sixtus Bader kann eben einfach alles. Er ordnet die schwierigsten Familienverhältnisse, bringt durchtriebene Gauner zur Strecke, serviert vornehmen Herrschaften bittere Wahrheitspillen als Nachtisch und zeigt sich als Universalgenie für alle Sorgen und Nöte. Natürlich ist Hans Moser auch hier der ewig nörgelnde Besserwisser, aber auch ein warmherziger und hilfsbereiter Mensch mit einer großen Portion Humor.
Well, I already knew that Hans Moser was the factotum guy in all his movies. What I didn't know yet was that Hans Moser could also be Napoleon in case of emergency.
(I found the above text on imdb; from all this galimatias it's difficult to understand whether Ferdinand is the son of the character played by Hans Moser, or the son of the count; hopefully the movie will clarify this :)
Der Hausmeister Sixtus Bader kann eben einfach alles. Er ordnet die schwierigsten Familienverhältnisse, bringt durchtriebene Gauner zur Strecke, serviert vornehmen Herrschaften bittere Wahrheitspillen als Nachtisch und zeigt sich als Universalgenie für alle Sorgen und Nöte. Natürlich ist Hans Moser auch hier der ewig nörgelnde Besserwisser, aber auch ein warmherziger und hilfsbereiter Mensch mit einer großen Portion Humor.
Well, I already knew that Hans Moser was the factotum guy in all his movies. What I didn't know yet was that Hans Moser could also be Napoleon in case of emergency.
(Hans Moser)
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