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Friday, October 24, 2014

La Dictadura Perfecta

La Dictadura Perfecta, 2014
(animal politico)
no copyright infringement intended

Corruption across the whole political spectrum, incompetence, crisis, manipulation through television, presidential elections as a farce, perverted relation between power-opposition-oligarchs-media-mafia. Hey guys, ring a bell? It's the new-new movie of Luis Estrada (starring his long time collaborator Damián Alcázar). Seemingly they announced that were the movie to be censored, it would be distributed for free on the web.

La Dictadura Perfecta, 2014
no copyright infringement intended

The title, La Dictadura Perfecta (The Perfect Dictatorship), is paraphrasing Mario Vargas Llosa (la dictadura perfecta que era México con el Partido Revolucionario Institucional en el poder como lo dijo hace 20 años, ahora es una democracia imperfecta - quoted in La Jornada). Well, for the movie authors, it still remains the perfect dictatorship, even with the alternation of parties to power.

La Dictadura Perfecta, 2014
no copyright infringement intended

The plot: the president of the republic makes an incredible blunder, assuring the US ambassador that the Mexicans can do all jobs needed in America, even those that really suck, even those refused by [incorrect term here, definitely a no-no]; the ambassador is visibly uncomfortable; using the N-word is such anti-PC! by the way, the American president of the time is no one other than Obama; the story of the presidential blunder is circulating throughout  the country and everybody is making fun; something big has to be discovered to distract the public opinion; thus a scandalous story involving a governor is disclosed; the governor pays big to clean his image (big means billions); it comes to the discovery of another scandalous story; a dirty media campaign will follow, to change again the public perception, and as the presidential elections are approaching, to make from the governor the ideal presidential candidate; meanwhile two little girls are kidnapped; the investigation is used strictly to improve the governor's image, no matter the risks on the girls' lives. 

And meanwhile I found the movie on youTube; it is also available on Netflix; here you go:

(Luis Estrada)



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