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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Roberto Wong, Paris D.F.

Roberto Wong
(Aristegui Noticias)
no copyright infringement intended

A map of Paris over a map of Mexico City, dream over reality. Living in imagination, walking the streets of Paris in his head, being in love and being loved in that fictitious place, with all that love carries, hope and dreams and jealousy, sex and violence, and sad memories, and love reborn, all in that imaginary place, because love cannot have place elsewhere. Ongoing game of crazy possibilities and probabilities in his imagination, over the monotonous routine of his reality. One day a thief enters the pharmacy where he's working, police come quickly and shoots the guy: the turning point for the plot and for the character.

It's Paris D.F., it will come in the bookstores next January 14 (Editorial Galaxia Gutenberg). For now, here is the author's blog:

(By the way, what's with that D.F.: it stands for Distrito Federal, it's México D.F., and connoisseurs call it DF, the same as Washingtonians call their city DC).

(Roberto Wong)



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