Dancing the Kazachok in Las Vegas

The Kossacks came to Las Vegas! The news took me by storm. As a child I was reading amazing stories about Cossacks, about their fights, their dances, their horses, their bravery. Sometimes they were the good guys, loving war, wodka and women - sometimes they were the bad guys, on the same grounds. Were they good, were they bad? Does it matter? Anyway, I found the answer after years, in a book by Anthony Loyd, one can die only two ways, fighting the good cause for the wrong reason, or fighting the wrong cause for the good reason.
Well, I believed I knew everything about the Cossacks, till the other day, when the Yearly Kos started in Las Vegas, and I found out that the Kossacks invaded the Blogosphere. Their ataman is now Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, kind of Mike Moore, only younger. Warner, Edwards, Richardson, Dean, all this good stuff was these days in Las Vegas, courting the Kossacks. Will the Dems become the Kos Party? Maybe ... Is it good? Is it bad? Does it matter? One can die only two ways, fighting the good cause for the wrong reason, or fighting the wrong cause for the good reason.
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