It's high time to meet
Cameron Pearson and his film & entertainment group,
Advanced Order Systems. The guy sleeps 22-24 hours daily; otherwise he's gesticulating wildly or marathon surfing the web for porn. Eventually he'll pass away because that's the way it is. By that time he'll be survived by his hamster, the gentle Mr. Gimbels. Well, currently, as you can presume he's still alive and making indie films: these are big in Tijuana where Cameron Pearson makes a new indie while serving concurrently a twenty months sentence. Just kidding:) Here's his serious resume: born in Chicago, MS in Journalism from the
Northwestern University, BA in English from
Berkeley, MFA from
UCLA, professor of film at the
School of Visual Arts NY, adjunct broadcast journalism instructor at
NYU. And totally immersed in the indie world: actor, producer, director, writer, cinematographer. I've just watched an 8 minute movie of him. This guy has genius.
(Filmofilia)Labels: Cameron Pearson
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