Emily Dickinson: The Bible Is an Antique Volume
Bible of Emily Dickinson
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When she was thirteen, Emily Dickinson was given her own Bible, by her father. They all were good observants: the church was in front of their home, and they were finding time for daily prayers and meditations always. Did she remain religious in her mature years, or did she become rather skeptical?
The Bible is an antique Volume—
Written by faded men
At the suggestion of Holy Spectres—
Eden—the ancient Homestead—
Satan—the Brigadier—
Judas—the Great Defaulter—
David—the Troubador—
Sin—a distinguished Precipice
Others must resist—
Boys that believe are very lonesome—
Other Boys are lost—
Had but the Tale a warbling Teller—
All the Boys would come—
Orpheus' Sermon captivated—
It did not condemn—
I would say that she was a free spirit, while a kind spirit. She was sometimes rebellious in her verses, while her kindness was always keeping the good balance. And also, she was a lonely person, living in a universe of her own, enjoying her inner world: her verses were her own, unknown by anybody else, her Church, her God, her Bible, all were part of this universe of her own, all of them very nice to her, very joyful, loving to play with her thoughts, loving to be teased, her Church, her God, her Bible, together with her Verses, always amused by her teasing..
And let me say also this: to resume the Bible in a few lines, so effectively, it's only for a great spirit.
Biblia este un antic Volum
Scris cu apusele vremi
La sugestia Sfintelor Umbre.
Subiectele ei - Bethleem -
Edenul - Vatra cea veche -
Satan - Comandantul căzutei Brigăzi -
Iuda - Tâlharul cel mare -
David - Trubadurul -
Păcatul - Prăpastie-aleasă -
De ea - ferească-se alţii,
Băieţii care cred sânt singuri
Şi cei care nu cred - pierduţi.
Să fie cântată Povestea,
Ar veni Băieţii cu toţi -
Orfeu captiva cu Predica sa -
El nu condamna.
(Emily Dickinson)
Labels: Emily Dickinson
I believe Emily was a skeptic. She had a lot of time to think about things. Thought provoking entry today.
barbara l. hale, at 9:45 AM
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