Zoon Politikon

The philosopher George Santayana famously wrote hat those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. But the opposite holds true as well. Those who cannot remember the past might not be able to repeat it.
(Andrei Cherny, The Next Deal)
- Democrats: Net Roots, Trade Unions, Third Way
- Republicans: from Cato to Pat Buchanan
- Why red means Republican and blue means Democrat
- G. John Ikenberry - The Security Trap
- Andrei Cherny - The Next Deal
- A book by Fareed Zakaria
- Mid Term Elections - the Outcome
- 150 Iraqis abducted this morning
- Fareed Zakaria about the Way Forward in Iraq
- The Difference between Vietnam and Iraq
- The Iraq Study Group Report
- China - both dangerously strong and weak
- The Decalogue according to Friedman
- Former president Ford passed away
- John Edwards made his big announcement
- A Shiite-Sunni Stalingrad
- Don't tell Mama, I'm for Obama
- Art Buchwald passed away
- Hillary enters the race
- Obama Off and Running
- Runoff in France
- Two Views about Boris Yeltsin's Legacy
- Sarko is the new guy in town
- David Brooks about Britain
- Blair versus Huntington
- Global Guerrillas
- Wolfowitz steps down from the World Bank
- Bill Richardson enters oficially the race
- Bob Zoellick is the new guy at the World Bank
- Two Views on the War in Iraq
- From today's NY Times - Brooks and Segev
- Sarko: France's Get-Up-and-Go
- Rudy the Nixonian
- Senator Obama knows the Body Language
- Photojournalist Dith Pran, Cambodian Genocide Survivor, Passed Away
- Body Building
- Would Bobby Jindal become the Vice of McCain?
- Political Update
- Tim Russert Passed Away
- Should be Kathleen Sebelius the Running Mate?
- Obama is Touring the MidEast
- It Happened in Denver Last Night
- How to Expect the Unexpected
- Bailout Hearing in Real Time
- An Article by David Brooks
- Newsweek: The Monster That Ate Wall Street
- An Opinion Against the Bailout (Michelle Singletary from W. Post)
- When Harry Met Sally
- C. Fred Bergsten and Arvid Subramanian about Globalizing the Crisis Response
- Body Language Differs in Different Countries
- There is a New Guy in Town
- We're All Connected and Nobody's In Charge
- Tom Friedman: Some things are true even if George Bush believes in them
- Reinventing GOP from the Right
- The Better President According To Friedman
- It Happened Just Yesterday
- Mumbay, The Place Where Paradise and Hell Stay Together
- GOP's Future: Traditionalists versus Reformers
- Niall Ferguson in W. Post: Team Chimerica
- Ramesh Ponnuru in Time Magazine
- Anand Giridharadas - India Calling
- Fareed Zakaria about US and China
- Aaron David Miller: Start with Syria
- Standoff Endures After Mumbai Attack
- Dileep Padgaonkar about Mumbai Carnage
- Political Driven Economy: The Risks
- What They Hate About Mumbai
- Anne Applebaum in W Post: Forgotten Lessons From 9/11
- With Jindal at GOP's Helm the Generational Shift Would Be Complete
- Pankaj Mishra: The Road To Stability Goes Through Kashmir
- The Crash - What Went Wrong
- U.S. and China: Two Countries, One System
- Sarah Chayes Reporting from Kandahar
- Gurcharan Das in NY Times: The Next World Order
- The Family Elect
- Inauguration Day: Two Cartoons
- There is a New Toy in Town
- Zakaria and Samuelson about the crisis
- First Salvos of Trade War
- Obama, Ignatius, Cohen in Today's W Post / NY Times
- Robert J. Samuelson about Obama's Stimulus Plan
- Michael Gerson: The Jindal Phenomenon
- David Ignatius: The Phony War
- Roger Cohen: Gordon to the Rescue
- Kilkullen's Road Map for Afghanistan
- Can Capitalism Survive?
- Fareed Zakaria: I'm Worried About Trade
- Is US a MetroNation?
- Krugman - the Opposition from the Left
- I Didn't Know Anything About Žižek
- Slavoj Žižek, What Can't You Say
- Žižek, Disorder under the Heaven
- David Ignatius - Rolling Out Obamanomics
- Roger Cohen: America Agonistes
- AP - G-20 to give $1 trillion to IMF, World Bank
- China's Dollar Deception
- David Ignatius: Listening in Kabul
- Obama Makes An Unannounced Vist to Iraq
- NY Times about Moldova
- Bloomberg.com about Moldova
- Washington, DC: Demonstration in Support of Democratic Moldova
- Robert J. Samuelson: Our Depression Obsession
- Allan H. Meltzer - The Inflation Nation
- Jackson Diehl in W. Post: A Crisis Out of Reach?
- Anne Applebaum - A Starbucks State of Mind
- Shirtless Biden: A Cartoon from The Onion
- Richard N. Haass: Defining Success Down
- NY Times: Minuets, Sonatas and Politics in the West Bank
- The New World: China, India, Indonesia, Brazil
- Takashi Yokota: A Trade Explosion in North Korea
- Are We Going Toward Deglobalization?
- Deflation, Inflation, or Both?
- Fareed Zakaria: The Capitalist Manifesto
- Neda Agha Soltan
- Words of the Wise
- Walter Cronkite
- Recession is Over, Recovery's Problematic
- Tom Friedman: Green Shoots in Palestine
- Roger Cohen: The Miracle of Dullness
- David Ignatius on Obama's Peace Prize
- David Rhode: Held by the Taliban (1)
- David Rhode: Held by the Taliban (2) Inside the Islamic Emirate
- David Rhode: Held by the Taliban (3) You Have Atomic Bombs, but We Have Suicide Bombers
- David Rhode: Held by the Taliban (4) A Drone Strike and Dwindling Hope
- David Rhode: Held by the Taliban (5) A Rope and a Prayer
- David Rhode: Held by the Taliban (6) Epilogue
- Fareed Zakaria, Roger Cohen About Surge in Afghanistan
- David Ignatius on Surge in Afghanistan
- Anne Frank
- GOP Gets Some Love
- David Ignatius on Reforms in Afghanistan
- Lessons from Virginia for GOP
- A Call for Moderation
- Fareed Zakaria: The Center Has the Cards
- Robert J. Samuelson: The Next Economic Bubble?
- The End of Chimerica?
- Is India the Forgotten Partner?
- Check This Out: Troop Decision To Be Announced Soon By Obama
- David Ignatius: Obama's Skeptic in Chief
- Maziar Bahari: Why We Should Still Talk to Iran
- Pankaj Mishra: India's Eternal Crisis
- Ignatius: Jobless Scary Movie
- About a Suicide Pact
- Surge in Afghanistan
- The Swiss and the Minarets
- Brazil's Headaches
- The Decade of Dread
- Yegor Gaidar Passed Away
- 2010 According to Ignatius
- Ross Douthat: How To Stop the Decline
- Fear Is Al-Qaeda's Real Goal
- Fresh Guts Versus Washington As Usual
- A French Tea Party Some Fifty Years Ago
- Tough Times for Maliki
- Five Myths About How To Create Jobs
- Nobel Peace Prize for 2010 (Suggestion)
- The Pool is Flat
- Is Scott Brown a Closeted Democrat?
- The Next New Dealers
- The Transatlantic World Is Gone
- Getting Obama Right
- Desmond Tutu: Love All God's Children, Straight or Gay
- The Biden Effect
- Haaretz about Perception of Obama in Israel
- Roger Cohen About Iran's Exiles
- W Post About US - Israel Disagreements
- Jeanine Zacharia in W. Post: Netaniahu in a Bind
- Pitfalls in Kandahar
- Roger Cohen: Sunny Days in Israel
- David Ignatius: European Bailout Only Postpones Day of Reckoning
- Roger Cohen: Good Morning and Good Luck
- Beer and Checkpoints in the West Bank
- James McGregor: Time to Rethink US-China Trade Relations
- Roger Cohen: America Moves the Goalposts
- It Takes a Crisis To Make a Continent
- The Russian Spy Ring: a Good News / Bad News Story
- Summertime Treat
- The Real Challenge For the American Society
- Two Columns From Today's Washington Post
- No Mercy For Frogs
- China Pushes to End Public Shaming of Suspects
- The Magic Jacket of David Brooks
- NY Times: Casting Out the Un-French
- GOP Against the 14th Amendment?
- China Surpasses Japan as No. 2 World Economy
- In the Aftermath of 9/11 the Country Stood United
- Ready to Fight Back?
- Nicholas D. Kristof - Message to Muslims: I'm Sorry
- David Ignatius: Between Red Alert and Perilously Uninformed
- The New Book by Bob Woodward
- This is What Obama Said at the UN Yesterday
- 1960: Kennedy - Nixon First Presidential Debate
- Who Are You, Mr. Emanuel?
- Nobel Peace Prize for Chinese Dissident Liu Xiaobo
- W. Post: Anti-Immigrant Tide in Europe
- 1995, October 17: Million Man March
- Fareed Zakaria about North Korea
- Breaking News: Shots Hit Pentagon
- Today Keynes Is Ignored in Europe
- Thorbjørn Jagland: Why We Gave Liu Xiaobo a Nobel
- The Country That Invented the D-Word
- Jürgen Habermas: Leadership and Leitkultur
- Is Right America Right?
- It's Morning In India
- Ted Sorensen Passed Away
- Brazil Elects the First Female President
- Fareed Zakaria: Mr. President, Asia Is Calling
- Midterm Elections: The Results
- Ben Bernanke: What the Fed Did and Why
- American Dreamland
- American Presidents Visiting India
- A Third US War Should Be Inconceivable
- Rebiya Kaader
- Roger Cohen: Shariah at the Kumback Café
- Kissinger: Avoiding a US - China Cold War
- Nicholas D. Kristof: China's Winning Schools
- Patrice Lumumba
- President Hu Arrives at the White House
- Can Obama Get it Right on the Economy?
- Nicholas Kristof is Heading for Egypt
- Tom Friedman: Serious in Singapore
- Mansoura Ez-Eldin: Date with the Revolution
- Nicholas Kristof from Tahrir Square
- Ross Douthat: The Devil We Know
- Nicholas Kristof: An Image from Tahrir Square
- The Revolutionary Tide Reached Amman
- W. Post: Misconceptions about the Egyptian crisis
- Mubarak Won't Seek New Term
- Tahrir Square These Days
- Nicholas Kristof: Situation in Tahrir is Volatile
- Jamil Mroueh: The Army Is Middle Class in Camouflage
- Mubarak Bakers Attack Protesters
- Nicholas Kristof: Pro-Mubarak Thugs Are Retreating
- W. Post: During Clashes in Cairo, Foreign Journalists Arrested
- Nicholas Kristof: We Are All Egyptians
- Nicholas Kristof about the Militants from Tahrir Square
- Cairo: History is Unfolding
- Pierre Sioufi
- Pierre Sioufi about Libya, Bahrain, Iraq, Algeria, Yemen, Iran
- Lara Logan's brave decision to go public breaks a long code of silence
- A Few Words About the Revolution in Romania
- NY Times: Arabs Rise, Tehran Trembles
- Roger Cohen: Libyan Closure
- Roger Cohen: Religion At Its Worst
- Roger Cohen: Times of Upheaval
- NY Times: Fatah and Hamas Said To Reach Deal
- Nicholas Kristof: Where China Outpaces America
- A Pond That's Narrower Than A Channel
- For Office Civility, Cherchez La Femme
- D S-K and the Conspiration Theory
- Zygmunt Bauman about Globalization, Consumption Society and the like
- Roger Cohen: When Fear Breaks
- NY Times: Leaderless in Europe
- Betty Ford
- Mumbai Again Challenged by Terror
- Thomas Friedman: The Clash of Generations
- Tragedy in Norway
- Turkey: Top Military Leaders Resign
- Aaron Astor: The Spirit of 1861 - and 2011
- Debt Deal Passes: Obama Gets His Head Handed to Him
- Thomas Friedman: A Theory of Everything
- The Global Slum
- Post-Islamism?
- The C-Word
- Photo of the Day: Tawakkul Karman
- Slavoj Žižek -- Talk with Charlie Rose (Oct 2011)
- Pete Seeger, Union Song
- Alexis Tsipras
- The Buzz-Word of the Week: Malarkey
- NY Times: Reports from Syria
- Portraits of a President as a Young Man
- Obama in Thailand
- Oval Office, August 1956
- JFK and little Caroline
- Duke, Kittu, Joan, Ted - unknown year
- Pianist Van Cliburn Has Passed Away
- Hillary in 1969
- The Clintons in 1972
- Bella Ciao played by Goran Bregović
- Brotherhood: Allen and John Foster Dulles
- Seal of Honor
- The End of the War to End all Wars
- Veterans Day
- Elizabeth Warren
- The United States of Eleven Nations
- Nelson Mandela
- 1973: Brezhnev - Nixon Encounter
- Pussy Riot at Colbert Nation
- Conflict
- Katrina vanden Heuvel
- War and Peace in Crimea
- Odessa Humor
- Monument of Unknown Soldier
- Tonight Show: Jimmy Fallon Presenting
- James Schlesinger Passed Away
- Thomas Piketty
- Et on arrête de se faire la guerre
- Viktor Sukhodrev Passed Away
- El País: El guerrero reticente
- Walter Russell Mead
- There Is a New F-Word in Town
- Roma Medical Students Challenging Racist Discrimination
- Pour la troisième fois, la Bolivie choisit Evo Morales dès le premier tour
- ¿Obama Pasará A La Historia O No?
- Victory in Greece
- Ed Miliband
- Bernie Sanders
- Ready for Bernie?
- Warm Welcome in NH
- Jeremy Corbyn
- Retired Obama, 2035
- Obama's Next Job?
- Povestea unui cuvânt
- Khaldiya, Another Kind of Girl
- Latinos en EEUU: Identidad y Raza
- Un Rebelde Escondite en la Selva de Colombia
- Conversations about Race: Asian-Americans
- Dilma Rousseff
- Fidel Castro
- Zygmunt Bauman: The Refugee Crisis Is The Humanity Crisis
- Sadik Khan: London has elected its first Muslim mayor
- Moments of History: Bandung, 1955
- Tim and Ben Judah
- Alma Guillermoprieto
- Víctor Lapuente Giné
- There Is A New Lady In Town
- The NO Parties
- El País: Fidel reaparece en su 90 cumpleaños
- Alexandra Petri in WaPo: How Hillary Can Get That "Presidential Look"
- Where Civil Rights Meet the Civil War
- God Didn't Create Borders
- Varoufakis: The Alternative to Trump's Nationalism Is Not the Status Quo
- Aaron Astor: We Need To Rethink Our Models of Political Ideology
- Mustafa Akyol
- Birgitta Jónsdóttir
- Pierre Bourdieu
- The Meaning of France Insoumise
- The French Runoff
- The Political Landscape Has a New Architecture
- Momentum
- Kamala Harris
- Rosa Luxemburg: A Century Since Her Assassination
- Vor einhundertundein Jahren wurde Rosa Luxemburg ermordet
- Secret Voice Recording Made by Thor Damen
- Three Opinions from Today's Washington Post
- Today's NY Times: an Incisive Analysis Made by Sheryl Gay Stolberg
- Germany's New Political Divide
- Tim Wu: Antitrust Returns to American Politics
- Koča Popović
- Is AOC a Super Hero? The Proof Is In the Book
- L'Internationale
- Roger Cohen on Covid 19
- Should We Cancel Aristotle?
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