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Monday, October 31, 2016

Singapur: Coches autónomos, niños que juegan con drones y robótica universalizada



Sunday, October 30, 2016

John Betjeman

Sir John Betjeman
(source: HamHigh)
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English poet with a deep fondness for the Victorian architecture (add to this his special interest for ecclesiology, liturgy and the like, with emphasis on the formality of the ritual and resistance to modernity; by the way he was an Anglican and belonged to the High Church orientation; for me, sufficient reasons to love this guy). Now you'd think that such a type would not be very popular; by the contrary, his natural humor, his sense of self-irony (playing all the time the bumbling and fogeyish one) made him very much sympathized by people. A passionate defender of everything Victorian he remained in the public memory with his great TV broadcasts on the subject. As for his poetry, here is a great phrase, coined by W.H. Auden: so at home with the provincial gaslit towns, the seaside lodgings, the bicycle, the harmonium (by the way, I don't know who coined that one with bumbling and fogeyish, but I like it).

(A Life in Books)


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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Birgitta Jónsdóttir

Birgitta Jónsdóttir
(source: The Reset Button)
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She is a poet and activist, and for her poetics and politics must be considered together (by looking holistically at issues artists could bring new perspectives). I read several of her poems and I'l bring some here. I'm trying to discover in their delicate constructions that link to politics she's talking about. It's not easy, as her political philosophy is blatantly unconventional: she founded the Icelandic Pirate Party (that just made important gains in today's elections there). To understand a little bit her ways, maybe it's good to show here a video with her presentation at TEDx Talks. It's just an entry point, and it's much more to grasp, not only the poetician, as she defines herself. It's a universe where Internet freedom is the tool to build direct democracy I think I'll put here some of her poems, also some columns, from The Guardian.

We, the people, are the system
(video by TEDx Talks)

(German and Nordic Literature)

(Zoon Politikon)


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser
(image source: Bomb Magazine)
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His books are about magical illumination, or suggesting magical illumination, or looking for magical illumination. Better said, maybe about the tension between reality and fantasy. Neo-gothic, better said neo-baroque? Poe and Borges seem to be in close distance. Or no?

(A Life in Books)


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Obama's Next Job?

(Zoon Politikon)


Sunday, October 23, 2016

Mona El-Naggar, Ladies First: Saudi Arabia’s Female Candidates

(image source: indiewire)
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A new short film blurring the lines between journalists and documentary filmmakers. The film follows three female candidates running in the first elections in Saudi Arabia allowing women to vote and run for office.

Ladies First: Saudi Arabia’s Female Candidates
by Mona El Naggar (director) and Adam Bolt (editor)
International Times Documentaries
(source: NY Times)


Saturday, October 22, 2016

Greatness and Illusion

Karl Marx
(image source: The Guardian)
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“If anything is certain,” Karl Marx once declared, “it is that I myself am not a Marxist.” A new biography, authored by Gareth Stedman Jones (Karl Marx, Greatness and Illusion, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2016).

Gareth Stedman Jones is a British academic and historian, Professor of the History of Ideas at Queen Mary, University of London.

(A Life in Books)


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Zed Nelson, Gun Nation

(source: institute artist)
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"First published in 2000, Zed Nelson's book of photography titled Gun Nation became a seminal perspective on America's enduring gun fetish. In 2016 Zed Nelson returns to this subject with a short doc. Why so many Americans remain resistant to even the most modest gun laws reform? There is no easy answer, and Zed Nelson's film does not try to find it, just presenting us a wide array of personalities on both sides of the issue" (source: topdocumentaryfilms).

1. Introduction
2. The gun owners
3. The gun sellers
4. The doctor and the father
5. The second amendment
6. Guns in schools
7. The gun lobby
8. How to buy guns


Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Nigeria’s Failed Promises

illustration by Johee Yoon
(source: NY Times)
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... yet they spoke in whispers ... a tale about political fear, and then about enthusiastic expectations, and then about failed promises ... it happened in Nigeria, it happens anywhere.

... in a country enamored of dark humor, a common greeting now is “Happy recession!” - end of story ... (probably the light at the end of the tunnel - my take).

(Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie)


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

From Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Gloria Steinem, Jon Meachem, and Rachida Jones

(source: NY Times)
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She had rhythm, a flow and swerve, hands slicing air, body weight moving from foot to foot, a beautiful rhythm. In anything else but a black American body, it would have been contrived. The three-quarter sleeves of her teal dress announced its appropriateness, as did her matching brooch (Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie).

A beautiful portrait carved in the shape of four thank-you notes:

(Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie)


Saturday, October 15, 2016

Eduardo Galeano, El Descubrimiento

Encuentro de Cristóbal Colón con nativos
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En 1492, los nativos descubrieron que eran indios, 
descubrieron que vivían en América, 
descubrieron que estaban desnudos, 
descubrieron que existía el pecado, 
descubrieron que debían obediencia 
a un rey y a una reina de otro mundo 
y a un dios de otro cielo,
y que ese dios había inventado la culpa y el vestido 
y había mandado que fuera quemado vivo quien adorara 
al sol y a la luna y a la tierra y a la lluvia que la moja.

(sólo un fragmento de Eduardo Galeano, Los hijos de los días: Octubre 12, El Descubrimiento)

(Eduardo Galeano)


Friday, October 14, 2016

Eduardo Galeano, Sagrada serpiente

(fuente: Verbi clara)
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Sólo un fragmento de Eduardo Galeano, Los hijos de los días (Enero 20, Sagrada serpiente):

"Los paganos adoraban a las serpientes. Las serpientes habían sido desprestigiadas, en la tradición bíblica, desde aquel asunto de la tentación de Adán, pero América era un cariñoso serpentario. El ondulante reptil anunciaba buenas cosechas, rayo que llamaba a la lluvia, y en cada nube vivía una serpiente de agua. Y era una serpiente emplumada el dios Quetzalcóatl, que por los caminos del agua se había ido."

(Eduardo Galeano)


Mi limón, mi limonero

(fuente: orinocopadrerio)
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Mi limón, mi limonero 
entero me gusta más 
Un inglés dijo yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah 
y un francés dijo oh lala 

Mi limón, mi limonero 
entero me gusta más 
Un inglés dijo yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah 
y un francés dijo oh lala 

Me siento malo morena 
cabeza hinchada morena 
Que no me paro morena mmm, voy voy voy 

Me siento malo morena 
cabeza hinchada morena 
Que no me paro morena mmm, voy voy voy 

Mi limón, mi limonero 
entero me gusta más 
Un inglés dijo yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah 
y un francés dijo oh lala 

Mi limón, mi limonero 
entero me gusta más 
Un inglés dijo yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah 
y un francés dijo oh lala 

Aaayayai, limones para beber 
Aaayayai, limones para beber 
Aaayayai, limones para chupar 
Aaayayai, limones para chupar 

Mi limón, mi limonero señor 
entero me gusta más 
Un inglés dijo yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah 
y un francés dijo oh lala (venga)

(La Española - or Hispaniola)

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Junot Díaz, My Girl in Amsterdam

(source: GK)
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"She was from Amsterdam, a black Dominican mother, a white Dutch father, a luminous gale of a girl. I called her my chabine because that’s what she looked like, only her lips and her hair keeping her from passing completely, from pulling a Jean Toomer. And the ass she had—my fucking God—it was supersonic—which is to say she couldn’t walk past a group of straight men without pulling out the shingles or shattering the panes of their conversation."

It has been quite a time since I haven't read some from Junot Díaz anymore, and as I found today this tale of the girl from Amsterdam and their crazy love, I realized how much I was missing his style, his streetsmart tongue, so relaxed while so wonderfully controlled, the universe of his stories, apparently just chaotic while keeping inside a well constructed subtlety. It is the workshop of a wizard.

This story was published by him firstly in 2008, in the GK magazine, with the title "Summer, Love, Overheated". You can read it on his web site:

(Junot Díaz)


Eduardo Galeano, El libro de los prodigios

(fuente: teleSUR)
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Sólo un fragmento de Eduardo Galeano, Los hijos de los días (Febrero 23, El libro de los prodigios):

"Las novelas cuentan pero no explican, ni tienen por qué explicar. La Biblia no dice qué dieta siguió Noé para llegar al Diluvio con seiscientos años de edad, ni cuál fue el método que usó la mujer de Abraham para quedar embarazada a los noventa, ni aclara si sabía hablar en hebreo la burra de Balaam, que discutía con su amo."

(Eduardo Galeano)


Junot Díaz, Nueva York

(source: NY Daily News)
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Just a brief fragment from this story, it's fabulous:

"Certain nights, when I was restless and nothing was working out, I’d take the D over the Manhattan Bridge. As the train left the tunnel and began to cross the East River I’d step between the cars. This, for some reason, made me happy. It wasn’t really dangerous and the view it afforded of New York was beyond words. A city ablaze, suspended between black sky and river."

A very short story about his immigrant relationship to NYC. First appeared in New York Times Sunday Magazine, September 17, 2000.

Read the whole text here:

Junot Díaz: Many of the new arrivals trace their roots to one Dominican city, San José de Ocoa. Hazleton’s old shopping streets, nearly abandoned in the 1990s, are now lined with Dominican bakeries, barbershops, travel agencies and Mexican restaurants. The Italian restaurants are now run by Mexican families. The city has two Spanish radio stations and a television station that broadcasts six hours of local programming a day.

(Junot Díaz)


Eduardo Galeano

Eduardo Galeano
(fuente: art-sheep)
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periodista y escritor uruguayo considerado como uno de los más destacados artistas de la literatura latinoamericana (teleSUR); may have been best-known as a literary giant of the Latin American left, but the Uruguayan writer was also global soccer’s pre-eminent man of letters (Graham Parker)

(Una Vida Entre Libros)


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Părintele Serafim

მამა სერაფიმე (Părintele Serafim)
(source: Syrian Fathers)
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Părintele Serafim este parohul comunităţii asiriene din satul Qanda, din Gruzia. Este o comunitate ortodoxă, parte a Bisericii Ortodoxe din Gruzia, dar care îşi ţine slujbele religioase în limba aramaică (cunoscută şi sub numele de siriacă). Am găsit mai multe lămuriri într-un blog al Bisericii Gruzine:

Those living in Georgia with access to TV will have noted the recent media fascination with Georgia’s Assyrian minority living in Qanda village, close to Mtskheta town. This has been driven to an extent by the charisma and vocal talents of the priest of that community, Father Serafim, who has made numerous media appearances and has multiple videos on Youtube of his choir in Qanda’s church, who sing in Aramaic and Georgian. The ancestors of Qanda’s population came to Georgia as refugees in the 19th century. While they were Christians, they were not of our Eastern Orthodox communion. Over time, they accepted baptism into the Georgian Church and were accepted as an Orthodox parish with the dispensation to conduct their affairs in their native language. This ethnic minority are held in high regard in Georgia, even more so since Qanda’s rise to prominence in the media. Georgian Christians are very aware that Georgian monasticism was developed by Assyrian monks and that many regions of Georgia still practising animism or Zoroastrianism after Iberia’s adoption of Christianity were converted by the Assyrian Fathers. Also, to witness a community accepting the local religion and integrating smoothly into the greater Georgian community has been very satisfying to observe for many. To my knowledge, other Orthodox Christian minorities in Georgia, including Slavs, Ossetians and Greeks, were already Orthodox when they migrated here, other than those Caucasus Greeks and Black Sea Greeks who settled here more than 2000 years ago.

Iată şi câteva date biografice ale Părintelui Serafim, pe care le-am găsit într-o publicaţie gruzină onLine în limba engleză:

38-year-old Father Serafim is Assyrian and Aramaic is his native tongue. He led secular life before he was 24 and practiced in martial arts, later going to Ukraine and working as the chief of security service for various members of parliament. However, the changes in his life forced him to take the monastic vows. When Georgia’s Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II learned about it, he presented Father Serafim to the Assyrians living in Georgia as the Confessor of Assyrians. It was Ilia II who advised Father Serafim to learn Aramaic and then carry out religious ceremonies in this language.

Iată un video cu Părintele Serafim:

Rugăciunea Tatăl Nostru în limba aramaică
(video by Ucha Qemashvili)

Şi un alt video, tot în limba aramaică, cu Psalmul 50 (cu traducere în arabă şi în engleză):

مزمور ٥٠ بالسريانية
(video by ܝܘܣܦ ܓܘܪܓܝܣ)

Iată-l şi în română:

1. Miluieşte-mă, Dumnezeule, după mare mila Ta
2. Şi după mulţimea îndurărilor Tale, şterge fărădelegea mea.
3. Mai vârtos mă spală de fărădelegea mea şi de păcatul meu mă curăţeşte.
4. Că fărădelegea mea eu o cunosc şi păcatul meu înaintea mea este pururea.
5. Ţie unuia am greşit şi rău înaintea Ta am făcut, aşa încât drept eşti Tu întru cuvintele Tale şi biruitor când vei judeca Tu.
6. Că iată întru fărădelegi m-am zămislit şi în păcate m-a născut maica mea.
7. Că iată adevărul ai iubit; cele nearătate şi cele ascunse ale înţelepciunii Tale, mi-ai arătat mie.
8. Stropi-mă-vei cu isop şi mă voi curăţi; spăla-mă-vei şi mai vârtos decât zăpada mă voi albi.
9. Auzului meu vei da bucurie şi veselie; bucura-se-vor oasele mele cele smerite.
10. Întoarce faţa Ta de la păcatele mele şi toate fărădelegile mele şterge-le.
11. Inimă curată zideşte intru mine, Dumnezeule şi duh drept înnoieşte întru cele dinlăuntru ale mele.
12. Nu mă lepăda de la faţa Ta şi Duhul Tău cel sfânt nu-l lua de la mine.
13. Dă-mi mie bucuria mântuirii Tale şi cu duh stăpânitor mă întăreşte.
14. Învăţa-voi pe cei fără de lege căile Tale şi cei necredincioşi la Tine se vor întoarce.
15. Izbăveşte-mă de vărsarea de sânge, Dumnezeule, Dumnezeul mântuirii mele; bucura-se-va limba mea de dreptatea Ta.
16. Doamne, buzele mele vei deschide şi gura mea va vesti lauda Ta.
17. Că de ai fi voit jertfă, ţi-aş fi dat; arderile de tot nu le vei binevoi.
18. Jertfa lui Dumnezeu: duhul umilit; inima înfrântă şi smerită Dumnezeu nu o va urgisi.
19. Fă bine, Doamne, întru bună voirea Ta, Sionului, şi să se zidească zidurile Ierusalimului.
20. Atunci vei binevoi jertfa dreptăţii, prinosul şi arderile de tot; atunci vor pune pe altarul Tău viţei.


(Icon and Orthodoxy)

Friday, October 07, 2016

Bernardo Veksler

Bernardo Veksler
(image source: his Facebook page)
no copyright infringement intended

Argentinian writer and journalist; author of Rebeliones en el fin del mundo (1999: evolution of the working class in Tierra del Fuego), Alacrán El otro lado del periodismo (2003: about current politics in Argentina), Lavapiés Pasado, presente y futuro de un barrio cosmopolita (2004: history of the emblematic Madrid neighborhood of Lavapiés), Nostalgias y vicisitudes de los judíos argentinos en Madrid (2005: Argentine Jewish immigrants in Spain and the circular migration history lived by their families), Del Barquillo a Chueca Transformación y glamour de un barrio madrileño (2005: about the transformations lived by the Madrid neighborhood of Lavapiés), La Batalla de Los Hornos (2014: memories of struggles, utopias, and martyrs), Fatalidad en el Paraíso (2016: the tragedy of original population of Patagonia); columnist for El Diario del Fin del Mundo, Ushuaia; Televisión Pública de Argentina correspondent for Tierra del Fuego; I met with his writing through an article published in El Diario del Fin del Mundo and I was charmed; I'd love to fantasize over it a little, but all in good time.
(info source: Ediciona and Bernardo Veksler's blog)

(Una Vida Entre Libros)


Wednesday, October 05, 2016

For Yale Strom: How Do You Say E-Mail in Yidish?

(source: NY Times)
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In a thousand-year-old language like Yiddish, with many of its words rooted in the ancient Bible, how would you say “email”? Or “transgender”? Or “designated driver”? Or “binge watch”? Well, email is blitspost, transgender is tsvishnminik, as for binge watch (watching multiple episodes of a TV program in rapid succession, typically by means of DVDs or digital streaming), it becomes shlingen epizodn. As simply as that.

(Yale Strom)


Întregul Univers (Psalm 65/66)

(source: Penn Univ - Coptic Manuscript)
no copyright infringement intended

1 cantate gloriam nomini eius date gloriam laudi eius
2 dicite Deo quam terribile opus tuum in multitudine fortitudinis tuae mentientur tibi inimici tui
3 omnis terra adoret te et cantet tibi cantet nomini tuo semper
4 venite et videte opera Dei terribilia consilia super filiis hominum
5 convertit mare in aridam in flumine pertransibunt pede ibi laetabimur in eo
6 qui dominatur in fortitudine sua saeculo oculi eius gentes aspiciunt qui increduli sunt non exaltentur in semet ipsis semper
7 benedicite populi Deo nostro et auditam facite vocem laudis eius
8 qui posuit animam nostram in vitam et non dedit in commotione pedes nostros
9 probasti enim nos Deus igne nos conflasti sicut conflatur argentum
10 introduxisti nos in obsidione posuisti stridorem in dorso nostro
11 inposuisti homines super caput nostrum transivimus per ignem et aquam et eduxisti nos in refrigerium
12 ingrediar domum tuam in holocaustis reddam tibi vota mea
13 quae promiserunt tibi labia mea et locutum est os meum cum tribularer
14 holocausta medullata offeram tibi cum incensu arietum faciam boves cum hircis semper
15 venite audite et narrabo omnes qui timetis Deum quanta fecerit animae meae
16 ipsum ore meo invocavi et exaltavi in lingua mea
17 iniquitatem si vidi in corde meo non exaudiat Dominus
18 ideo exaudivit Deus et adtendit vocem deprecationis meae
19 benedictus Deus qui non abstulit orationem meam et misericordiam suam a me
20 victori in psalmis canticum carminis  Deus misereatur nostri et benedicat nobis inlustret faciem suam super nos semper

Un refren mi-a revenit brusc în minte. Îl auzisem de multe ori, însă cu ani în urmă. Refrenul unui psalm responsorial (la catolici în timpul liturghiei, lectorul intonează la un moment dat câteva versete din psalmul zilei, iar corul îl susţine cu un refren). "Întregul Univers pe Dumnezeu îl preamăreşte, Întregul Univers despre slava lui vorbeşte," acesta era refrenul. Amintirea lui m-a urmărit mai multe zile, şi până la urmă am reusit să îl găsesc într-un video pe youTube, intonat de corul bisericii din Sagna, judeţul Neamţ. Am găsit apoi întreg psalmul, şi am vrut să îl văd în mai multe graiuri ale Pămantului. Iată-l aici.

Corul din Sagna - Neamţ, 2015
organist: Ilinca Silviu Marian
(video by Sjl Prod)

1. Strigaţi lui Dumnezeu tot pământul. Cântaţi numele Lui; daţi slavă laudei Lui.
2. Ziceţi lui Dumnezeu: Cât sunt de înfricoşătoare lucrurile Tale! Pentru mulţimea puterii Tale, Te vor linguşi vrăjmaşii Tăi.
3. Tot pământul să se închine Ţie şi să cânte ţie, să cânte numelui Tău.
4. Veniţi şi vedeţi lucrurile lui Dumnezeu, înfricoşător în sfaturi mai mult decât fiii oamenilor.
5. Cel ce preface marea în uscat, prin râu vor trece cu piciorul. Acolo ne vom veseli de El,
6. De Cel ce stăpâneşte cu puterea Sa veacul. Ochii Lui spre neamuri privesc; cei ce se răzvrătesc, să nu se înalţe întru sine.
7. Binecuvântaţi neamuri pe Dumnezeul nostru şi faceţi să se audă glasul laudei Lui,
8. Care a dat sufletului meu viaţă şi n-a lăsat să se clatine picioarele mele.
9. Că ne-ai cercetat pe noi, Dumnezeule, cu foc ne-ai lămurit pe noi, precum se lămureşte argintul.
10. Prinsu-ne-ai pe noi în cursă; pus-ai necazuri pe umărul nostru;
11. Ridicat-ai oameni pe capetele noastre, trecut-am prin foc şi prin apă şi ne-ai scos la odihnă.
12. Intra-voi în casa Ta cu arderi de tot, împlini-voi ţie făgăduinţele mele,
13. Pe care le-au rostit buzele mele şi le-a grăit gura mea, întru necazul meu.
14. Arderi de tot grase voi aduce ţie, cu tămâie şi berbeci; Îţi voi jertfi boi şi ţapi.
15. Veniţi de auziţi toţi cei ce vă temeţi de Dumnezeu şi vă voi povesti câte a făcut El sufletului meu.
16. Către Dânsul cu gura mea am strigat şi L-am lăudat cu gura mea.
17. Nedreptate de am avut în inima mea să nu mă audă Domnul.
18. Pentru aceasta m-a auzit Dumnezeu; luat-a aminte glasul rugăciunii mele.
19. Binecuvântat este Dumnezeu, Care n-a depărtat rugăciunea mea şi mila Lui de la mine.

(source: pinterest)
no copyright infringement intended

1 Poussez vers Dieu des cris de joie, Vous tous, habitants de la terre!
2 Chantez la gloire de son nom, Célébrez sa gloire par vos louanges!
3 Dites à Dieu: Que tes oeuvres sont redoutables! A cause de la grandeur de ta force, tes ennemis te flattent.
4 Toute la terre se prosterne devant toi et chante en ton honneur; Elle chante ton nom. -Pause.
5 Venez et contemplez les oeuvres de Dieu! Il est redoutable quand il agit sur les fils de l'homme.
6 Il changea la mer en une terre sèche, On traversa le fleuve à pied: Alors nous nous réjouîmes en lui.
7 Il domine éternellement par sa puissance, Ses yeux observent les nations: Que les rebelles ne s'élèvent pas! -Pause.
8 Peuples, bénissez notre Dieu, Faites retentir sa louange!
9 Il a conservé la vie à notre âme, Et il n'a pas permis que notre pied chancelât.
10 Car tu nous as éprouvés, ô Dieu! Tu nous as fait passer au creuset comme l'argent.
11 Tu nous as amenés dans le filet, Tu as mis sur nos reins un pesant fardeau,
12 Tu as fait monter des hommes sur nos têtes; Nous avons passé par le feu et par l'eau. Mais tu nous en as tirés pour nous donner l'abondance.
13 J'irai dans ta maison avec des holocaustes, J'accomplirai mes voeux envers toi:
14 Pour eux mes lèvres se sont ouvertes, Et ma bouche les a prononcés dans ma détresse.
15 Je t'offrirai des brebis grasses en holocauste, Avec la graisse des béliers; Je sacrifierai des brebis avec des boucs. -Pause.
16 Venez, écoutez, vous tous qui craignez Dieu, et je raconterai Ce qu'il a fait à mon âme.
17 J'ai crié à lui de ma bouche, Et la louange a été sur ma langue.
18 Si j'avais conçu l'iniquité dans mon coeur, Le Seigneur ne m'aurait pas exaucé.
19 Mais Dieu m'a exaucé, Il a été attentif à la voix de ma prière.
20 Béni soit Dieu, Qui n'a pas rejeté ma prière, Et qui ne m'a pas retiré sa bonté!

(source: The Church in Manipongol)
no copyright infringement intended

Jauchzet Gott, alle Lande!
Lobsinget zu Ehren seinem Namen; rühmet ihn herrlich!
Sprechet zu Gott: «Wie wunderbar sind deine Werke! es wird deinen Feinden fehlen vor deiner großen Macht.
Alles Land bete dich an und lobsinge dir, lobsinge deinem Namen.» (Sela.)
Kommet her und sehet an die Werke Gottes, der so wunderbar ist in seinem Tun unter den Menschenkindern.
Er verwandelt das Meer ins Trockene, daß man zu Fuß über das Wasser ging; dort freuten wir uns sein.
Er herrscht mit seiner Gewalt ewiglich; seine Augen schauen auf die Völker. Die Abtrünnigen werden sich nicht erhöhen können. (Sela.)
Lobet, ihr Völker, unsern Gott; lasset seinen Ruhm weit erschallen,
der unsre Seelen im Leben erhält und läßt unsre Füße nicht gleiten.
Denn, Gott, du hast uns versucht und geläutert wie das Silber geläutert wird;
du hast uns lassen in den Turm werfen; du hast auf unsere Lenden eine Last gelegt;
du hast Menschen lassen über unser Haupt fahren; wir sind in Feuer und Wasser gekommen: aber du hast uns ausgeführt und erquickt.
Darum will ich mit Brandopfern gehen in dein Haus und dir meine Gelübde bezahlen,
wie ich meine Lippen habe aufgetan und mein Mund geredet hat in meiner Not.
Ich will dir Brandopfer bringen von feisten Schafen samt dem Rauch von Widdern; ich will opfern Rinder mit Böcken. (Sela.)
Kommet her, höret zu alle, die ihr Gott fürchtet; ich will erzählen, was er an meiner Seele getan hat.
Zu ihm rief ich mit meinem Munde, und pries ihn mit meiner Zunge.
Wo ich Unrechtes vorhätte in meinem Herzen, so würde der HERR nicht hören;
aber Gott hat mich erhört und gemerkt auf mein Flehen.
Gelobt sei Gott, der mein Gebet nicht verwirft noch seine Güte von mir wendet.

(source: a little perspective)
no copyright infringement intended

1 Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands:
2 Sing forth the honour of his name: make his praise glorious.
3 Say unto God, How terrible art thou in thy works! through the greatness of thy power shall thine enemies submit themselves unto thee.
4 All the earth shall worship thee, and shall sing unto thee; they shall sing to thy name. Selah.
5 Come and see the works of God: he is terrible in his doing toward the children of men.
6 He turned the sea into dry land: they went through the flood on foot: there did we rejoice in him.
7 He ruleth by his power for ever; his eyes behold the nations: let not the rebellious exalt themselves. Selah.
8 O bless our God, ye people, and make the voice of his praise to be heard:
9 Which holdeth our soul in life, and suffereth not our feet to be moved.
10 For thou, O God, hast proved us: thou hast tried us, as silver is tried.
11 Thou broughtest us into the net; thou laidst affliction upon our loins.
12 Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water: but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place.
13 I will go into thy house with burnt offerings: I will pay thee my vows,
14 Which my lips have uttered, and my mouth hath spoken, when I was in trouble.
15 I will offer unto thee burnt sacrifices of fatlings, with the incense of rams; I will offer bullocks with goats. Selah.
16 Come and hear, all ye that fear God, and I will declare what he hath done for my soul.
17 I cried unto him with my mouth, and he was extolled with my tongue.
18 If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:
19 But verily God hath heard me; he hath attended to the voice of my prayer.
20 Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me.

(source: scratch made journal)
no copyright infringement intended

Воскликните Богу, вся земля.
Пойте славу имени Его, воздайте славу, хвалу Ему.
Скажите Богу: как страшен Ты в делах Твоих! По множеству силы Твоей, покорятся Тебе враги Твои.
Вся земля да поклонится Тебе и поет Тебе, да поет имени Твоему.
Придите и воззрите на дела Бога, страшного в делах над сынами человеческими.
Он превратил море в сушу; через реку перешли стопами, там веселились мы о Нем.
Могуществом Своим владычествует Он вечно; очи Его зрят на народы, да не возносятся мятежники.
Благословите, народы, Бога нашего и провозгласите хвалу Ему.
Он сохранил душе нашей жизнь и ноге нашей не дал поколебаться.
Ты испытал нас, Боже, переплавил нас, как переплавляют серебро.
Ты ввел нас в сеть, положил оковы на чресла наши,
посадил человека на главу нашу. Мы вошли в огонь и в воду, и Ты вывел нас на свободу.
Войду в дом Твой со всесожжениями, воздам Тебе обеты мои,
которые произнесли уста мои и изрек язык мой в скорби моей.
Всесожжения тучные вознесу Тебе с воскурением тука овнов, принесу в жертву волов и козлов.
Придите, послушайте, все боящиеся Бога, и я возвещу вам, что сотворил Он для души моей.
Я воззвал к Нему устами моими и превознес Его языком моим.
Если бы я видел беззаконие в сердце моем, то не услышал бы меня Господь.
Но Бог услышал, внял гласу моления моего.
Благословен Бог, Который не отверг молитвы моей и не отвратил от меня милости Своей.

(source: devotional reflections)
no copyright infringement intended

1 Aclamad á Dios con alegría, toda la tierra:
2 Cantad la gloria de su nombre: Poned gloria en su alabanza.
3 Decid á Dios: ¡Cuán terribles tus obras! Por lo grande de tu fortaleza te mentirán tus enemigos.
4 Toda la tierra te adorará, Y cantará á ti; Cantarán á tu nombre. (Selah.)
5 Venid, y ved las obras de Dios, Terrible en hechos sobre los hijos de los hombres.
6 Volvió la mar en seco; Por el río pasaron á pie; Allí en él nos alegramos.
7 El se enseñorea con su fortaleza para siempre: Sus ojos atalayan sobre las gentes: Los rebeldes no serán ensalzados. (Selah.)
8 Bendecid, pueblos, á nuestro Dios, Y haced oir la voz de su alabanza.
9 El es el que puso nuestra alma en vida, Y no permitió que nuestros pies resbalasen.
10 Porque tú nos probaste, oh Dios: Ensayástenos como se afina la plata.
11 Nos metiste en la red; Pusiste apretura en nuestros lomos.
12 Hombres hiciste subir sobre nuestra cabeza; Entramos en fuego y en aguas, Y sacástenos á hartura.
13 Entraré en tu casa con holocaustos: Te pagaré mis votos,
14 Que pronunciaron mis labios, Y habló mi boca, cuando angustiado estaba.
15 Holocaustos de cebados te ofreceré, Con perfume de carneros: Sacrificaré bueyes y machos cabríos. (Selah.)
16 Venid, oid todos los que teméis á Dios, Y contaré lo que ha hecho á mi alma.
17 A él clamé con mi boca, Y ensalzado fué con mi lengua.
18 Si en mi corazón hubiese yo mirado á la iniquidad, El Señor no me oyera.
19 Mas ciertamente me oyó Dios; Antendió á la voz de mi súplica.
20 Bendito Dios, Que no echó de sí mi oración, ni de mí su misericordia.

(source: almost there)
no copyright infringement intended

1 Louvai a Deus com brados de júbilo, todas as terras.
2 Cantai a glória do seu nome, dai glória em seu louvor.
3 Dizei a Deus: Quão tremendas são as tuas obras! pela grandeza do teu poder te lisonjeiam os teus inimigos.
4 Toda a terra te adorará e te cantará louvores; eles cantarão o teu nome.
5 Vinde, e vede as obras de Deus; ele é tremendo nos seus feitos para com os filhos dos homens.
6 Converteu o mar em terra seca; passaram o rio a pé; ali nos alegramos nele.
7 Ele governa eternamente pelo seu poder; os seus olhos estão sobre as nações; não se exaltem os rebeldes.
8 Bendizei, povos, ao nosso Deus, e fazei ouvir a voz do seu louvor;
9 ao que nos conserva em vida, e não consente que resvalem os nossos pés.
10 Pois tu, ó Deus, nos tens provado; tens nos refinado como se refina a prata.
11 Fizeste-nos entrar no laço; pesada carga puseste sobre os nossos lombos.
12 Fizeste com que os homens cavalgassem sobre as nossas cabeças; passamos pelo fogo e pela água, mas nos trouxeste a um lugar de abundância.
13 Entregarei em tua casa com holocaustos; pagar-te-ei os meus votos,
14 votos que os meus lábios pronunciaram e a minha boca prometeu, quando eu estava na angústia.
15 Oferecer-te-ei holocausto de animais nédios, com incenso de carneiros; prepararei novilhos com cabritos.
16 Vinde, e ouvi, todos os que temeis a Deus, e eu contarei o que ele tem feito por mim.
17 A ele clamei com a minha boca, e ele foi exaltado pela minha língua.
18 Se eu tivesse guardado iniqüidade no meu coração, o Senhor não me teria ouvido;
19 mas, na verdade, Deus me ouviu; tem atendido à voz da minha oração.
20 Bendito seja Deus, que não rejeitou a minha oração, nem retirou de mim a sua benignidade.


Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Mustafa Akyol at TED, Faith Versus Tradition in Islam

(source: enkiVillage)
no copyright infringement intended

Here is a possible answer: Mustafa Akyol about the way that some local cultural practices (such as wearing a headscarf) have become linked, in the popular mind, to the articles of faith of Islam. Has the world's general idea of the Islamic faith focused too much on tradition, and not enough on core beliefs?

(video by TED-Ed)

Is this a good response? I would say yes and no. Yes, because it clearly shows the difference between tradition and the core belief. No, because we do not talk here about a reformed religion (based strictly on the core belief). We are talking about an actual religion followed by actual believers, based on the core belief as well as on tradition.

(Mustafa Akyol)


Mustafa Akyol, The Problem With the Islamic Apocalypse

Religious texts come to life at the hands of men. And it makes a great difference whether the believers’ purpose is to self-righteously sharpen their blades against others, or to humbly educate and enlighten themselves.

(Mustafa Akyol)


Mustafa Akyol

Mustafa Akyol
(source: http://www.mustafaakyol.org/)
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Turkish writer and journalist who describes himself as classical liberal; regular columnist for Al Monitor (on-line news site giving the pulse of Middle East) and Hürriyet Daily News (the oldest English-language daily in Turkey); critic both against Islamic extremism (his arguments being built from a Muslim point of view) and Turkish secularism; has published in NY Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, Forward, Newsweek, Foreign Affairs, National Review, Islam Online, etc.; author of Islam Without Extremes: A Muslim Case For Liberty, Rethinking the Kurdish Issue: What Went Wrong, What Next?, The Islamic Jesus. How the King of the Jews Became a Prophet of the Muslims; lectured at TED on Faith versus Tradition in Islam; (info source: wiki); I would say he is a nuanced conservative, with interesting opinions that deserve study, whether you agree with them or not.

(A Life in Books)


(Zoon Politikon)


Monday, October 03, 2016

Mario Vargas Llosa, Piedra de Toque ¿Para qué los filósofos?

(fuente: newculture)
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En un bouquiniste de los alrededores de Nôtre Dame encontró, medio desecha por el tiempo y el manoseo de los paseantes, la primera edición de Pourquoi des philosophes? (1957), de Jean-François Revel. La compró y la volvio a leer, medio siglo después de la primera lectura. Este panfleto volteriano con que Revel inició su carrera literaria conserva intacta su explosiva ferocidad y tal vez ella ha aumentado porque algunas de las figuras con las que se encarniza, como Heidegger, Jacques Lacan o Claude Lévi-Strauss, se han convertido desde entonces en referencias intelectuales intocables.

Leer más aquí:

(Mario Vargas Llosa)


Sunday, October 02, 2016

Medeiros e Albuquerque

José Joaquim de Campos da Costa de Medeiros e Albuquerque
(fuente: academia)
no copyright infringement intended

funcionário público, jornalista, professor, político, contista, poeta, orador, romancista, teatrólogo, ensaísta e memorialista brasileiro; autor da letra do Hino da Proclamação da República (info source: wiki).

(Una Vida Entre Libros)

Saturday, October 01, 2016

Machado de Assis, sua biografia em 3 minutos

(Machado de Assis)


Mais sobre O Enfermeiro (The Attendant's Confession) de Machado de Assis

(fuente: Blog da Vanessa Pimentell)
no copyright infringement intended

Eis o texto de O Enfermeiro (The Attendant's Confession) de Machado de Assis, em Português:

E aqui algumas observações sobre esta história, que eu encontrei na Internet:

E, finalmente, um vídeo:

(Machado de Assis)
